Light fades, horizon's pink glow warms the heart, blue turns to black and our eyes close.
Sleep comes over racing minds filled with daytime memories and night time wishes.
Dreams paint visions of past awful, present hope, and future maybe,
just maybe we will get to say when and how and why...
Dawn arrives, illuminating the happiness trail, it's many directions entice, attempting to mislead.
Vibrant colorful rest replaced by consciousness weighs heavy, yet we stand and move forward.
There exists a singular destination, our soul knows it's way, don't look down, never look back.
Kimberly, excellent and insightful poem as always. Hugs, Michelle
That is so beautiful, thank you.
<p style="text-align: left;">I love your poem Kimberly. It conveys to me the rumination of the nighttime to daytime cyclic emotions and hopes and challenges ahead. It was very enjoyable to read as well. Thank you for that x</p>