"Not right in the head" is such a common assumption. So much so that I spent decades thinking I was crazy. It wasn't until my psych eval. that I learned I wasn't crazy at all.
Part of gender is a social construct. In that regard I've always been female. My body is the only part that wasn't. I've tried and tried to make my mind match my body, but that always felt odd and stressful. I've finally given up and accepted that a better solution is to alter my body to match my mind. And thanks to modern medicine, I can do that. (Yes, I know this is called dysphoria and it isn't unique to me.)
The net? I enjoy being female. It's who I am. That's why.
I'm just interested in other peoples opinions, everyone seems to have their own reason. I wanted to change when i was a teenager, every year on my birthday i would wish that i was a woman but as i got older i saw programs such as boob jobs gone wrong and that really put me off; then i saw programs about men changing gender and that got me interested and about 4 year ago i started researching on the internet and found a shop in Manchester which sells HRT tablets for about £140 and so i took them for 2 year; the same shop also sold breast enlargement pills which i took but the were causing me some kind of reaction and so i had to stop taking them. I went to my doctor who told me i wasn't taking the right ones and that i could get them free on the NHS or for under £5 if not on the NHS; he also told me that i would have to live as a woman for 1 year before i could see a specialist; I rang them up last year to see what was happening and was told i would have to wait another year. Sometime between May and December i should be seeing someone unless were still in lockdown. It's cost me a fortune in transitioning; and being told by someone that i'm delusional & not right in the head was insulting and offensive.
Sorry, i was annoyed when i wrote it, not thinking clearly.
I'm not right in the head, but that has nothing to do with transitioning. I think the "right in the head" statement didn't bother me because I've never felt shame or that I was actually not right in the head because of my gender identity or anything else. I've considered my interest in many non-convential subjects and topics as part of experiencing life in the brief time we're here -- in life.
As to why I want to change, it's who I am and back when I was young it wasn't a viable option. I didn't hate my male body but I did feel a sense of well being when I realized my real gender and was fortunate enough to be able to start my transition. Having said that, I've always wanted breasts. I find the female body much more attractive than any male body.
No problems.... xxxx