Well ladies, as I am getting older, the hoods on my eyes are getting deeper. I still got it, as a girl at the gas station the other day commented on how gorgeous my eyes are. That does not stop the fact I see them in the mirror every morning and want them at their very best. I watch a ton of videos on the subject, have tried all kinds of stuff, and here is the best for a woman in her 50's as how to make your hooded eyes beautiful. Try it, and let me know or see the results.
Video Link: Hooded Eyes
This definitely applies to me!
I know who would have thought I would ever be in the makeup for 50 year olds and that there is such a difference. I think I will write up a basic makeup for the different age groups post. As we have the age variety here.
I am fortunate to have a GG friend that has a background in theater arts, so she is something of a genius with makeup. I have benefited greatly from her guidance as well as from several other of my GG friends.
Please do write up some basic makeup tips. Although I have received lots of good advice, I still watch YouTube videos and read as much as I can on how to’s! One should never stop learning!