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What Generational Style/Makeup do you use? Poll is created on Nov 22, 2023


Makeup & Clothing for your age group

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(@Anonymous 2388)
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Good morning my beautiful darlings, it is a wonderful day outside and I am inspired to write.  Today is about makeup and style for your age group. This topic is huge so will have to be broken up in to several post topics. This is the basics to get you on footing right.

1st my disclaimer: I am in no way saying you must do this or that style is a personal thing and you can do whatever you want.

Long ago I picked up the book, 'Stephanie Seymour's Beauty Secret for Dummies', I still have the book and as I am one of those dummies, it is in arms reach of my vanity. I have many other makeup books but this was actually my first purchase. Yes it was was just released and yes I am that old, but as my mom taught me I am not a day over 25. :)~ In the book there is a small part on varying your makeup style based on your age. As Mrs. Seymour was a Generation X such as myself it applied to my generation. However times change and we have a variety of generations here and each generation has it's own flare, and each has a different set of general rules for each of it's age group. On top of that it is not cut and dry as generations blend from one to the next. Hence my poll question. 

However basics are basics, and certain things happen to us all. As you age you will notice thinks like your skin changes, your body puts on or takes off weight differently. Your hair changes not just color like mine but also in texture. These are the things based on age that wont matter what generation you are from.

Here are my hints:

-No matter where you are at in age, you need to take care of your hair, skin, and body. Hair and skin you need to get the products that work with your age and hair and skin type. If you can go to a professional for help, hire a good beauty consultant for a day or a month, it will be worth every thousand you spend. If you are broke like me you need to study and trial and error. What works for me wont necessarily work for you. Find a person with similar age and skin type and ask her what she does and works for her. Then try it for a month or two, if you love it, keep doing it, staying young and good looking is a life time thing. If you do not like it try again.

-For skin you need: a mild face cleanser, a good makeup remover, a face day cream, a face night cream, a decent body cream, body cleanser, maybe a foot and hand cream (age dependent), same for under eye cream (age dependent), a face serum, a good primer or makeup base, a face exfoliator, a body exfoliator (not same, also do not do more then once a week for either), and you might also need spa like treatments depending. These products are a must, and you need to use them now and for as long as you are alive. Also as I said they will change as your skin changes. I know it is a lot, but the women who look great at 70 are the ones who followed something.

-Stop smoking. It will age you by twenty years in all areas. Get fresh air for that matter, go outside or open windows once in a while.

-For hair you need: Only wash it every other day or once a week if you can. Your natural oils are better than any hair conditioner. You need a natural mild shampoo and wash crown of head and let run off get the rest. You need a conditioner (maybe) and only put on ends of hair not the crown. You 'might' need a weekly or monthly treatment, more natural the better. (Same with skin products) Try to let it air dry vs blow, but if you do blow it leave it slightly damp and let the air get the last 10min or so. Also trim off split ends once a month. If you are a pony tail type let it out half the time. If you do color it go with as mild and natural product as you can. Same with perms, and hair styling the more you do these things the more your hair will damage.

-For your Body you need: diet, diet, diet and I do not mean starving to death I mean eating healthy foods, all the fad stuff out there does not work, if you can eat mostly vegetables fruit and non-red meat, it is ok to eat poor once in a while (once in a while means once per week or less), after diet you need to exercise, 3 times a week seems about right but modify it for your age (Ie. no power lifting if you are 90), do not over do exercise. You might need depending on diet vitamins and/or supplements.

-Friends and peers should have a similar minds set as your's are for health, get a buddy to help each other stay on track.

-Meditation is actually important and can hold off aging by a decade or more.

I am sure there is a ton more but this is a good start. Also watch out for my makeup and style advice depending on your generation, I asked the poll to know where to start.


If you read this far, love ya. Blow Kiss  



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@miriyaparis Hi...oh what a can of worms what fun lol.
Great you have put all this together, there are also two pretty vital elements: time of day and situation. Day make-up is so different to evening, it's a kind of etiquette isn't it. Far less in daytime seems to be the rule...and where you are too: shopping or work!
After bouncing around this topic with CIS and trans girls, what comes across is the rules for CIS women don't fit trans....well not all the time. One example: eyebrows. It is the fashion for heavier brows...but not for trans girls. We need all the feminising help we can keep them trimmed/waxed whatever your age lol.
I went to an independent Beauty Shop at the outset I have to admit, and got advice from a qualified make-up professional. She helps me choose what suits me. That I do recommend.
I do think age is not the best guide many variables, hair, personality, everything. I have more hair products than I can count lol.
Moisturisers (even the really expensive ones) send my skin red for hours! So only at night...and I don't use them often. Ordinary Vaseline moisturiser is all that I need.  Sunblock anytime the sun is out too. I don't wear concealer or foundation, just powder. I don't have facial hair now so I guess that gives me an unfair advantage. I do recommend exfoliating...that is a big thumbs up for me! 
And don't overdo it...too much is bad...except for nightclubs lol. 

video screengrab from TGH staff meeting Sept 23. 

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Hey Miriya

This is a fantastic post, and I'm so glad you've taken up the mantle of TGH beauty guru. It's something the site needed, and I hope the admin team honour you with your own 'Fashion and Beauty' forums section 🙂

I loved reading it.

I would complete the poll but I don't know what most of the terms mean. I'm unable to tell my Gen Z from my Millennial, certainly without the aid of glasses.

I turned 60 this year, so how does that translate? I think I might be a 'Flower Child', but it isn't an option.

Incidentally, my profile photo was taken when I was 55; it was a good make-up job but then again I do meditate and I've never smoked. I guess the sum is actual age minus 20 years for not smoking minus 10 years for meditation, so I should really look as though I'm 30.

I'm really looking forward to future posts from you.


Ellie x

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(@Anonymous 2388)
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From your photo (even if 5 yrs old) most surly much younger than your age.  My guess is your official gen is between boomer and gex x, however you can dress any gen you want as long as not too far out of your age group.  I personally like 50’s pinup looks part of the time and that is well outside of my generation and age group.

And oh gawd I do not want any title or obligation, just happy to share when I can, and this part of the forum works great for me. 



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For the poll I'll put myself down as Gen X, as that's the younger of the two!

This turned out to be a helpful guide to the various demographics:

Which generation are you? Millennials, baby boomers or Gen Z - BBC Bitesize


Ellie x

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Hi Miriya,  I had to laugh because I had the same book too (along with about 50 others on costuming, sewing, cosplay, red carpet and makeup.  I did have a slight problem with my selection.  My brain said 37 but my hand went uncontrollably to boomer and kept clicking there. The hair talk was quite good.  I'll try to do a better job now since I previously just treated it as an afterthought and made a ponytail or a giant bun and ended up looking like a cross between Dyan Cannon  and Brian May on most days.  Thanks for all this useful info.

May all your pores be small,



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(@Anonymous 2388)
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@margprodue The pony tail advice is because doing it often will pull out and break your hair.

And I get you on the wanted to dress for a younger gen and age.  Like I sail I like 50’s glam.  And I had a Millennial makeup phase back in 2010-15, dam you Mrs Jenner for my lip kits and super eye lashes that went on forever. Cost my pocket tons but was super fun.



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A 'cross between Dyan Cannon and Brian May' doesn't sound like a bad look at all.

Just so everyone knows, I've invested in a copy of 'Beauty Secrets for Dummies' on Miriya's recommendation. It was only £3.33 (including postage) on Amazon Marketplace.

Judging by Miriya's photo, it contains excellent advice (Miriya, you look incredible).

I've also recently bought 'Making Faces' by Kevin Aucoin, 'Make Up' by Hannah Martin and 'Classic Make-up and Beauty Book' by Mary Quant.

I'm not obsessed with make up though. Honest.

Ellie x

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Oh Ellie,  good for you.   I bought both of Aucoin's books when they first came out and spent a gazillion $.  But, I did think that they were worth it and I learned a lot.  May the face be with you (and the wrinkles not).  Marg

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@margprodue 'Making Faces' is definitely worth it. It sets the bar high, but wow he creates some wonderful looks.

Life goals 🙂

Ellie x

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@ellyd22 I worked hard but could never get to that level. Kevin started practicing on his sister.  I just use the mirror.  I have just a ton of makeup and costuming books and consult with them regularly. I'm currently experimenting with Graftobian Airbrush. Good luck to you Ellie.  Hugs,  Marg

(@Anonymous 2388)
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I have an airbrush around here somewhere, went all out and bought a good pump and brush, I honestly do not use it much, never got the hang of it, so I stick with minerals for a good natural finish.

Aucoin, does do some amazing looks, but he fails to tell you how to decide if the look will look good on your face structure or not.  He has an artist eye and can just tell. However in the modern age look up Kibbe style and makeup, he has a wonderful way of addressing style by body lines, same for makeup. I like Ali Arts stuff she is such a doll, I guess I need to do a post on that too. Us transgender people have different lines by just a bit, as he focus solely on females, and maybe one or two males. However you can use the system as a great reference.  Personally for my FFS and BMS stuff I am using his work to keep me into the my correct body type as going far out side it will make me look a bit freakish, like putting a racing fin on a Hyundai.


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@miriyaparis Strangely I use minerals too, especially when I'm pressed for time.  I've seen Ali Arts but don't really follow a whole lot.  I'll look up Kibbe.     Thanks Miriya,   Marg

(@Anonymous 2388)
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@margprodue love her song remakes, I think I saw those before her makeup and style vids. 

OMG just found this one.  I think the original Leppelin is better more emotional but wow.

Stairway To Heaven




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@miriyaparis Oh oh!  Now you've got me started going back to my tunes and I'll be unproductive til 2AM.  I do agree with you and prefer the original but then I'm kind of a purist snob in my music. I did think that I detected a Heart sounding voice in her singing and I don't know if it's native voice or influenced by the Wilson Sisters. Mostly though I'm a hard rock roadhouse kind of listener with some protest and drinking songs thrown in. I can't sit still, I've got to dance.   Marg

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@margprodue Weren't those Psychedelic Rock bands great?

I have every single album that Graftobian Airbrush produced. 


Ellie x

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@ellyd22 Ha Ha,  They are actually just in my neighborhood.  Hugs, Marg

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(@Anonymous 2388)
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OMG don’t buy that book it is old and dated, mostly for basics and for gen x boomers.  However I am a Monroe fan like forever and I think there was a section on basic bomb shell lips and stuff. Youtube has better advice and how toos.

Aucoin’s books are a better choice I have 3 of them as well. Two basic and one for weddings. 

btw my photo was from two years ago at Pompano Beach.



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@miriyaparis You look stunning in the photo 🙂

*Laughs* Well, 'Beauty Secrets for Dummies' was VERY cheap so I couldn't resist. As well as the books I mentioned I've also got 'Make Up' by Hannah Martin.

I plan to give myself a few makeovers using the advice in it over the Christmas holidays ... as well as attempting to recreate some of the images in 'Making Faces' *even as she types this Ellie knows that she is doomed to fail*


Ellie x

(@Anonymous 2388)
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@ellyd22 My oldest one is my moms from when she went to beauty school back in the 60's, Standard Textbook of Cosmetology 1959. It is full of her hand written notes and stuff. I do not use it much but it does have the most amazing hair styles, woman today just have no skill compared to the pinups.



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Hey Miriya, thanks and my hair thanks you too!

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