I like to think I thought this journey through. Well, I did in every aspect but one aspect. As I share who I am with the people around me, I am automatically having to become an educated trans activist. As time has pasted over the last 9 years, I have slowly learned about the Transgender community. Though I stay in my safe place, In my bubble home and here on our heaven sites. A few years ago, I ventured outside my safe space to get a little of real world experience. I came out to a few people I trusted at first and received positive feedback. But few times I had to out myself to defend my beliefs.
In those instances I was hit with the reality that I would have to fight every topic about everything I had no clue about. You all can guess about what those topics where.
What brings this up today?
Well, again you know the big reason, but its the increase in my coworkers expressing their beliefs and ideology. Believe me, its hard to sit back and listen to how people can hate a community most of them haven't interacted with. And few days ago, I had to out myself to defend my reasons for fearing an uncertain future.
So to keep this short, and to get to my point. As we prepare for the uncertain future, whether good or bad, stay strong, hold your head high. And thanks for reading.
Keep hope alive!
Sadly, hate is gaining momentum for a number of reasons, none justifiable. Change and acceptance comes far to slowly in life. Stay strong.
When we keep moving forward it doesn't give the negativity in lives to catch up . keep the good fight going Jaz !