Resume Advice

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Estimable Member     Canada, Alberta
Joined: 2 years ago


I'm Pre-T FTM and was wondering if it's a good idea to put my preferred name and pronouns on my resume or if I should wait until I start HRT?

4 Replies
Posts: 1840
Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
Joined: 5 years ago

Interesting question…

To me, it would seem more appropriate to wait until you start transition with, as you say, beginning with HRT. My reasoning is two-fold.

  • If your preferred name and legal name are different, it will indicate that you are a trans person and that may be taken negatively.
  • Also, what happens if the start of your HRT regimen is delayed for some reason? Progress should always be forward, if at all possible, and not back and forth.

If you are applying for a position where being LGBT is considered to be a positive, then such information may be helpful. Remember that a resume is not cast in concrete. Various versions might be needed to highlight some specific information that may be of value for particular employers.

Anyway, these are just thoughts. Think about what is appropriate for your particular situation.

Posts: 185
(@Anonymous 2388)
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Joined: 6 years ago

Oh gee the preferred name topic, and mixed with job/career searching. This is a big one depending on several factors. First off are you going to transition? On the new job? If so lying to your new perspective employer is no going to do you any favors. You want to be in a friendly environment where you are accepted, it will be hard enough with out having your place of work beating you up too. On the other side it is none of their business, your home life is yours unless you have one of those 24 7 jobs, btw that type of job blows and I advise against it, unless it is your life long goal. Also if you are taking a throw away job just for some quick cash, do not worry them with the details, you will blow them off when ready.

Personally I am a face to face kind of girl, and I think a resume is to get you to the interview, the interview is where you sell yourself to the employer and for them to sell them selfs to you, guess I am just an old school type. Any way your preferred pronouns are better kept for the interview, or after you get hired in my eyes, if they are a non-discriminatory job it wont matter what your gender is, if they do discriminate maybe you do not want to work there. Only time I would put my gender or pronouns on my resume is if it was an advantage to help sell myself to the new employer, IE. I was applying to an LGBTQ+ support community or something.

You as a FTM might be applying to a man's dominated industry and this will be tricky, lots of the people in those industries are not as accepting the LGBTQ+, so a bit of a dance to get in the door might be needed. Lucky for you FTM non-acceptance is not as bad as MTF non-acceptance in a male dominated field, so it will be easier for you, say if you applied for a 'heavy vehicle mechanic' or something then if I did.

Use your 'gut' as to sharing your pronouns, it should not lead you astray.





ps. For you female identifying people use your 'intuition' vs. your 'gut', I would go deeper into it but that is an article upon it self.

Posts: 143
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Estimable Member     Canada, Alberta
Joined: 2 years ago

Thank you both for your input, I can understand what you mean. Since I don't know when I'll be able to start HRT yet then maybe it's safer to just go with my legal name (since my preferred name is quite different). The reason I was considering adding them (pronouns and preferred name) to my resume is because 1) I thought it might be nice to be called by that name and pronouns at my new job and 2) I was concerned that when I go to my appointment at the gender clinic they might have wanted me to be using my preferred name at work.

Posts: 185
(@Anonymous 2388)
Estimable Member
Joined: 6 years ago

You can always let your new employer know your preferred names once you get hired.  It will be much harder to fire you based on that than not to hire you in the first place.


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