Hi everyone, i don't care what or how many laws are changed or passed , i will always be the person i am. I think the law makers had better take notice at how many Transgender[or what ever anyone wishes to call us] in mind, we vote.I was surprised at the number of Trans on this sight alone.How many of us are there world wide? I am this female person, maybe not on the outside but inside and the brain controls the rest of the body.I have friends who are not Trans friendly , neighbors and some who say they are , i feel like sometimes i am being pulled apart. Please realize feeling this way is not being a bad person, the support here is what gets me through , the world is so harsh sometimes , friends make it survivable . We must stick together and support each other , we will always be here ,till death does us part. I feel very lucky to have all of you to talk to or just to listen to. I love you all Leslie
Hi DeAnne, hi everyone
I find this a very interesting topic and is naking me think I should have paid more attention in my psychology classes!
Back when I was in a relationship, my partner would often ask me, right out of the blue "what are you?", not who are you? I bevver had a ready answer and still don't. All I know is that I was born in a male body but my thoughts, feelings, heart and soul were at odds with how a boy was expected to behave by my parents and society at large. I was punished for expressing my female likes and behaviour but no one could stop those feelings or thoughts.
I was also asked "are you a cross dresser?"; this time I'm on firmer ground and emphatically said "NO". I wear the clothes I feel happiest and most comfortable in; ones that my mind and heart are telling me are "right". I would have to wear male clotbes to cross dress now and I don't want to.
I hate labels and so tell people that I am ME, Melanie. That my body is transitioning to match who I am inside due to a mistake in being born with a non-matching body. I feel female, always have done and am in a much bettet place now than when I wad struggling to live up to expectations and live a male life.
Now I have accepted Melanie, I feel like a lot of the burden of stress has been lifted, that I am no longer living a lie. It will be a long journey, full of ups and downs along the way but it feels less daunting now to realise that I'm not alone. I have you, my sisters, to share what ever life throws at us. So glad I found this site, I can let go of my painful past memories in my former male life and stride forward as a woman.
Love and hugs from Melaniexxx
Hi DeAnne, hi everyone
I find this a very interesting topic and is making me think I should have paid more attention in my psychology classes!
Back when I was in a relationship, my partner would often ask me, right out of the blue “what are you?”, not who are you? I never had a ready answer and still don’t. All I know is that I was born in a male body but my thoughts, feelings, heart and soul were at odds with how a boy was expected to behave by my parents and society at large. I was punished for expressing my female likes and behaviour but no one could stop those feelings or thoughts.
I was also asked “are you a cross dresser?”; this time I’m on firmer ground and emphatically said “NO”. I wear the clothes I feel happiest and most comfortable in; ones that my mind and heart are telling me are “right”. I would have to wear male clothes to cross dress now and I don’t want to.
I hate labels and so tell people that I am ME, Melanie. That my body is transitioning to match who I am inside due to a mistake in being born with a non-matching body. I feel female, always have done and am in a much better place now than when I wad struggling to live up to expectations and live a male life.
Now I have accepted Melanie, I feel like a lot of the burden of stress has been lifted, that I am no longer living a lie. It will be a long journey, full of ups and downs along the way but it feels less daunting now to realise that I’m not alone. I have you, my sisters, to share what ever life throws at us. So glad I found this site, I can let go of my painful past memories in my former male life and stride forward as a woman.
Love and hugs from Melaniexxx
...Is your reply more Existentialism or metaphysical? ...
I have no idea, LOL. It's Cloéism I suppose. I'm blessed/cursed with an analytical brain and just used logic and deductive reasoning. My therapist loved it.
Desperately convergent female in Virginia seeks an amazing surgeon to fix her brith defects and broken nose.
Hugs, Cloe
If only it was classified as a birth defect. But then insurance would say that's cosmetic surgery."heavy sigh", dann bean counters.
This seems to be a great topic and I love some of the replies I'm hoping to get some good advice from you all. I feel kind of funny even asking others to tell me what "I am" but I always feel so different from most of your stories that I can relate to very few.
I was born with male parts but even at an early age I felt what society says are female things. I was attracted to females as any boy but not just sexually liking them also feeling like them. This really got painfully worse when I hit puberty.I wasn't obese , maybe thick at times but I was a guy... a guy developing breasts! Breasts like any girl my age that I tried desperately to hide! Tight shirts under looser layering under button down.. I was a master
Bra's were the first thing I wore...but because I had boobs and was curious about them.Boobs are for girls why do I have some? And NO I don't NEED to wear a bra for comfort or support! To me this is one of the biggest BS excuses guys use I feel to justify dressing in female clothes. A bra is nice if i'm in a bumpy situation so I don't have to ride with one arm across my chest but other then that todays bra's are to make breasts more noticeable and draw attention to them. This led to other things wondering how I'd look if I had to wear a dress and look like a girl.
I don't care how male a guy thinks he is, if you had a magic wand and while he was sleeping gave him a nice 38C chest to wake up to and a nice padded female rear he'd be questioning himself in the mirror for a long time once he came to the realization they were now his to keep. That being said I've never had chromosome tests but I did have hormone tests done that revealed what I always knew super low T and elevated E lvls.
There's no doubt in my mind that E can make a male have more female thoughts so to say then if he had normal low lvls. I've gone through T therapy and it didn't change my E or T counts it actually made them worse!
I really feel I could be just as happy as male or female but just want to be 100% of either not some of each... and it's not just a female feeling like most say they have that feels normal so they are transgenders .Everyday when I look down or sit down I know i'm different then what a genetic male is supposed to be... I'm terrified of surgery which could correct the breast issue, but what about the hormones... will those female sort of thoughts slowly disappear if i'm not looking down and feeling female breasts? I guess I was male first but nature felt the need to give me 2 of the main physical traits that people quickly visualize as female identification.... whats a guy/girl to do?
It's actually silly with all my demons that I worry about how to identify myself...so help are there others like me here? am I a non-compliant/non-consensual Transgender non-cis woman? What do others like me do?