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Travel to the states, under new Trump anti trans laws

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Reputable Member     Canada, British Columbia, Victoria
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I and my spouse live in Canada and made plans to attend a convention in Dallas, we reserved hotel and flights.  She is a cis woman and I am an intersex trans woman. I do pass and don't attract unwanted attention.  There are new passport regulations stipulating that you must state the biologic gender or sex you were born as.  To state gender preference as your sex can result in being arrested and charged with fraud.

I am now feeling quite apprehensive about traveling there in view of the challenges that the new administration has leveled against all of us. 

What is your take? Go, or no go?

Thank you,

Ms. Lauren M

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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
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@reallylauren Hmmm, interesting issue to say the least. Assuming you have a Canadian passport, I would think that whatever was on your passport would not be challenged. I would certainly reach out to your local authorities and see what they have to say. I would think that the US would not be arresting folks for what another country allows. Please keep us posted. Hugs

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Reputable Member     Canada, Ontario, Renfrew
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@reallylauren Hi Lauren. Good question indeed. I am Canadian here in Myrtle Beach for the winter until April. I just flew to the Caribbean from the US a week ago to escape the nasty weather there. It will be interesting to see how TSA view me when I land in Fort Lauderdale on my return to the US. Stay tuned. If you can, I would use a wait and see approach until such time you must choose due to the insanity.

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You pass and you have a Canadian passport.  Federal agents aren't going to make a fuss over a Canadian woman.  I don't think you have anything to worry about.  

The executive order won't take effect immediately.  It will take time to begin implementing the different sections of the EO.  Thirty days at least.  That's how much time departments have to prepare.  And of course, it will be vigorously challenged in the courts.  The ACLU and Lambda Legal are going full-force.  It could take months before anything happens, if at all.

Posted by: @reallylauren

There are new passport regulations stipulating that you must state the biologic gender or sex you were born as.  

The passport guidelines apply to US citizens applying for a new passport or renewing one.  It's not retroactive and wouldn't apply to Canadian passports anyway.

Posted by: @reallylauren

To state gender preference as your sex can result in being arrested and charged with fraud.

This is in Florida.  It's not federal law.  At least not yet.

Erin In The Morning is a really good source for information.

Liz xx


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New Member     United States of America, California, San Rafael
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@reallylauren I kind of think you can make a bundle of money suing them if they dare cross your integrity and privacy!

I was thinking about your subject before you posted it when I heard it said on the radio by Trump about keeping it to male and female.

I'm glad you brought this up.

He is hatefully narrow-minded, and will go out in a bang. I think he knows this is his last chance in his life to get all his angst out before he passes. Not a good way to be. But he seems an angry "soul". (More like shoe sole)

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Trusted Member     United Kingdom, Caithness
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@reallylauren Any laws that do get through (if any) can only be applicable to US citizens. I don't think that they can pass laws that apply to citizens of another country no matter how deranged the president is. I wouldn't lose any sleep over this.

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Trusted Member     Canada, British Columbia, Burnaby
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@sashabennett  Well , all this crap going on limits basic rights traveling whether a US or Canadian Citizen - Unfortunately Public perception of True Transgender people seems to be associated with Gay Men in Drag shows dressing up - the public can't seem to separate the difference .

I consider myself a Heterosexual Transswoman/woman - I was never gay ever , so for me being labeled anything other than female and given a hard time over bloody bathrooms if it ever comes that way , knock on wood not so far and No issues to date but ? - the last 6 years about , the hard core "woke" young ones are talking nonsense on TikTok and YouTube !! - their are basics  Society expects , no one can read your damn mind , look male your bloody male , look female your damn female .

it's ridiculous eg. Wanting an "X" on a passport - your asking for trouble if a jet has to land in the Emirates if there's a mechanical problem with the jet - try explaining to hard core religious zealots in that country - it's not happening ! 

I won't use a gender neutral bathroom for a damn good reason , why would I with a vagina and boobs in the USA use a mens bathroom because Trump the orange clown well controlled says So ! 

Trans had more rights in the mid 70's like  Rene Richards who went to court after being outed by a reporter in California in 76 playing tennis as a woman and won being post op .

Women are being raped in prison by supposed Transwomen who obviously have no business in a women's prison because they say they are , just lying fakes ! Using the system ! - there bloody sicko's - This is the public perception that we're all like this !! WOW !!

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Hi Lauren. I hope you have no problem.


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Eminent Member     United States of America, Pennsylvania
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Nothing he has done has become a law preventing you from traveling to or in the U.S. 

Nothing he has done has become a law preventing any of us from that. 

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Trusted Member     Canada, British Columbia, Burnaby
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@cherylinpa I'm from Canada fully Transitioned M to F as good as I could do , I new back in 1963 about when but ? - being honest with myself I pass maybe at best 75% but it only takes just one Christian Fascist in Florida to cause mayhem at the local bathroom wherever I need to go -

My brother became an American Citizen and lives in West Palm Beach Florida and has split any possible acceptance with all the controversies about Trans people - I'm considered a Toxic person in his view - he's a MAGA supporter being a White Male unmarried " Possibly Gay " but obviously hides I believe to avoid problems --

My Passport says female , drivers license , Canadian Government taxation , banking all switched over years ago - it only takes one person at a shopping mall to make a claim against me , be arrested , forced at the local cop shop for a DNA blood test while waiting a few days in jail , put in front of an American judge , either fined for trespassing in the women's bathroom, maybe lucky a warning or worse jailed for a year because of DeSantis's new State Laws  -

if I lost my hormones maybe staying as a SnowBird I'd be screwed in the Wonderful USA Florida not even could I go to a clinic ! it's that bad for human rights , with Trump in Gloating his new power again , no chance - unfortunately the White Christian Fascists watch TikTok and YouTube and see these absolutely crazed nutt cases "WOKE " spouting " I'm Trans " making my life impossible even at shopping mall I fear now to enjoy traveling -- I'm too old to see changes in my lifetime at this point .

I dress normal and don't have a half shaved bald head and the other half dyed Purple hair and a 5 o'clock shadow beard either using the women's bathroom with my Neo Vagina and breasts still not good enough for acceptance !!

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Eminent Member     United States of America, Pennsylvania
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@kg I don't know where your information is coming from but I don't believe it's all true. 

Arrested and blood tested for DNA for using the bathroom? Sounds more fiction than fact. Even I, who is no where as far along as you are, would not fear all that. 

White Christian Fascists? Never heard of such a thing. Sounds more Media Made Up than anything else. 

I agree the split image Woke factions who are shouting from the rafters are making it difficult for all of us. They believe they are movement leaders but I think they do more harm than good. 

If you believe all you hear and read then by all means stay safe in Canada. I don't put any stock in what you've related and I'll be in Florida in 4 weeks as I travel to see friends and the sights. I don't feel any of this. Time will tell.

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@cherylinpa Cheryl, yep, you are 100%. The only thing that has been done to date is for the President to sign Executive Orders and Executive Actions (I didn't even know the difference until today...). All Presidents do, and I do suspect a few do ultimately get turned into some sort of law. The beauty is that often, these have some court injunction placed on they, as has happened with many of the current and past President's EO's & EA's. And then the endless debate in the Legislatures. and then the wrangling through the courts. Heck, if it wasn't such a boring process, it might be worth popcorn and binge watching on some streaming service. Our, actually anyone's, best defense; is knowledge. Lots and lots of knowledge. Armed with that, you become a formidable foe to all governing bodies..... hugs

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Hi Lauren, Just go and state whatever sex is listed on your documents as you and correct.  I proudly and loudly announce to the TSA folks that I'm intersex and fly dressed as a woman while my documents still list me as M.  They usually talk to me for 10 seconds and want to touch my chest and then send me on my way. Tell them you're intersex or Two-Spirit from Canada only if you're flagged in the machine and given a pat-down.  Have your spouse go ahead of you to grab your stuff off the belt in case they hold you up like they do to me (which is everytime).  I'm flying to Keystone in March so I'll let you know how I'm treated.  I really don't think there will be much of a problem.  They can't afford to back the lines up or have people miss planes.  Big Hugs Sister,  Marg 

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@margprodue Thank you dear sister :), that means a lot!  I forgot to mention that I will be setting off metal detectors wherever there is one as my breast bone was permanently wired together with titanium wire during my heart surgery.  So I will be pulled aside and asked, but the visible scar should be enough evidence. I wonder about the pat down, should be amusing as there is very little evidence of any male private parts.  I don't tuck because there is literally nothing to tuck! Hugs, Lauren

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Estimable Member     United States of America, Wisconsin, Madison
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@reallylauren Go with pride and a sense of humor Sister!  I always wear a body clinging stretchy top that they can pat through or I can just pull part way up for them if they really want to know (they only pat my super model non-male top, which is about half of the time)  There's not much to see on my skinny bottom so they leave that alone.   The machines just can't figure out what to do with our bodies.  Just don't pull your top up and flash them unless they ask.  I did that once when I got irritated with their questioning and that made things worse.  I got delayed more and almost got arrested.  I also carry a copy of my medical papers and a filled out TSA Notification Card: Individuals with Disabilities and Medical Conditions that you can get online and fill out yourself.  I have that in my carry-on.  If they complain about gel filled forms just refer to them as a prosthesis and that way they are allowed.  It's just another adventure in our intersex world.  Have a great conference! Hugs Marg

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@margprodue Except Spirit Airlines - "Spirit Airlines has updated its policy to include a stricter dress code for passengers.

The update, which became effective on Wednesday, says a passenger can be denied boarding or removed from a flight because of their clothing or offensive tattoos.

The additions to the contract now specify that passengers who are inadequately clothed, such as wearing see-through clothing that exposes breasts, buttocks or other private parts, are subject to being grounded."

So I suspect, I would not want to go braless and wear my see-through top; at least on Spirit Airlines..... Just sayin

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Reputable Member     Canada, Ontario, Renfrew
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@michellelarsen1 just returned to the US on Spirit from the Caribbean. Pulled to the side and got a pat down and the 101 questions.  Other than the smirks from the TSA agents, all went well. Apparently not all the Spirit staff got the memo about clothing as I saw a few young girls wearing just enough to get by on and nothing was said. Maybe because we were coming from the Caribbean heat?

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@jillleanne Thanks for the update Jill. I suspect 'results may vary' is going to be a theme all over. Stuff will get steam rolled here, slow rolled there. That and the level of discretion that is probably the order of the day, across the board. Hugs

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I don't share in the optimism. I do well understand that most of the EO shenanigans will be caught up in the courts but the name change and gender marker issue is a checkmate for us.

I don't pass. Despite being intersex and having a naturally femme body and high squeaky voice, I'm 6'2" and have wide shoulders. I care don't about passing but it contributes to the challenges I face.

I don't have my name change done as it's been caught up in the legal system and I only now today found an attorney that would help. Turns out the one place the POTUS can make quick changes actually is at the state department and effective immediately any application to change the gender marker on a passport will be suspended. My concern is that if I attempt to even change the name on my passport, it would be confiscated and I'd be left without a means to travel. Despite having a relatively safe bubble to live and work here in SoCal, I'm in the position that if I proceed with my name change, my ability to travel will be restricted. Having spent decades as a touring professional working with clients from Latin America, I can assure you that this is a real cause for concern.

As a lifelong activista, I ascribe to the rallying cry ¡No te Rajes, No te Dejes! (slang for don't give ground, don't be deceived) and continue to stand tall and represent those of my siblings who can't. I'm neither running nor hiding but with the incredible weight of all the hate being spewn at us, even the slightest amount of dysphoria is devastating. It is prudent for us all to be concerned, and have our affairs together, as the attacks on our legal rights are going to continue.






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