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Mom meeting Lisa for the first time

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Active Member     United States of America, Michigan
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I remember mom meeting Lisa for the first time.She has been there for me and knew I was unhappy about something all my life in the closet.Coming out feeling I was more female than male being transfeminine helped in November of 2019.Mom took it well although I am her only kid she had.It was on January 1st,2020,she met me as Lisa for the first time.Went to her house,knocked on the door and she loved the dark navy dress with black leather heels I wore after opening the door up.We hugged and she had me come in the living room and we talked.Even saw me act feminine too and asked her things about the changes.Said she saw me much happier,doesn't miss the son she had that was unhappy and I was glad to hear that.Said she has a much happier daughter now and will always love me for who I am.Has been supportive ever since and been getting to know me involved with a support group for parents of trangender kids too giving back helping struggling parents of transgender kids which I am proud of her for.

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Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
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I am glad your situation is working out well. There are parents out there that just get it. That’s what unconditional love looks like. Sadly there are others who feel that having a trans or gay kid is an indictment of their parenting skills and often that morphs into physical and verbal abuse.

Don’t forget to do something nice for your Mom. She’s earned it!

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what a lovely coming out story! Truly brave of you and how wonderfull to hear, that your mom supports you, sending love and support your way.

Best luck in the future πŸ™‚

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Active Member     United States of America, Michigan
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I was nice to her on Mother's Day,I wrote a heart felt letter to her thanking her for what she has done for me.She even did something too,I always wanted to get my hair done and found her hair stylist is transgender friendly.Went there myself,mom decided to pay for it.Had permnanent hair extensions put in and styled.I loved it.She likes my plans for next year,breast augmentation in January of next year already scheduled and going to be there for support.I had the trachea shave done in August and love the results

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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
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@lisaj That is outstanding. I had my BA a couple years ago and could not be happier. It is a joy. Hugs

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Colorado
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Hi, Lisa!

What a heart warming thing to share with us! I'm so happy for you1

Hugs, Shawna

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Eminent Member     United States of America, New Jersey, Freehold
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What a beautiful story.Β  And what a wonderful supportive mother.Β  Thanks for sharing this.

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Eminent Member     Canada, Ontario
Joined: 4 years ago

Beautiful story Lisa... ty for sharing...

Your Mom is amazing... give her a big hug for me !!!


Gen ❀

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Reputable Member     United States of America, Illinois, near Chicago
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Hi Lisa. Lovely story. I am smiling. I can only imagine how special it must be to finally be loved by mom as her daughter. To enjoy mom & daughter time together must be life changing.

Your mom seems like a special lady, one from whom you can learn much for your own blossoming womanhood.

Happy for you,


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