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Anyone else take themselves more seriously after beginning transition?

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Eminent Member     United States of America, Nebraska, Omaha
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One side effect of coming out and beginning transition is that for the first time in my life I take myself seriously as an adult. I was an incomplete person that found the missing pieces. I trust my judgement more and accept my wants and needs as valid. I always saw myself as a kid in an adult's body. Now? I'm a serious adult that has a long way to go to live as herself.


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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
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Hillary, maybe not more seriously, but I do things with more care and in a more determined fashion. I know what I need, and have a pretty clear roadmap on getting there. And a plan on how to appreciate the view once I arrive at some point in time. Michelle

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Florida, Ocala
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I guess I'm coming from a different direction. I've probably spent at least the last 10-15 years learning not to take myself too seriously unless it's an absolute necessity. It made me begin to forget what fun is, begin to lock out the kid who new how to have fun, how to not care what everyone else thinks about him or how he plays. Yes, when there's a downpour and I jump out of the car and get drenched while jumping up and down in the puddles there are going to be looks, possibly mothers pulling their kids toward the store as quickly as possible 😁 and some shaking of heads. But maybe there will also be some laughter - with me, at me who knows. Who cares? Someone will have had a laugh and perhaps their day will be a little better for it. And I shall have had a rollicking good time. Yeah I'm good at adulting when I need to. Only when I need to. When I realized I was Abby, that I was a woman and it's okay for me I felt so incredibly happy. And I still do. All I have to do is smile at myself in the mirror. And then I want to play! Now was that a rain drop I just felt? 🌧


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