Physical dysphoria

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Active Member     United States of America, Illinois, Elgin
Joined: 4 years ago

So since I finally accepted myself I’ve been experiencing physical dysphoria, that wasn’t a thing before. Now OMG its all the time, I have fight off tears multiple times a day cause of it. It used to be just mental dysphoria , like in my head it was like “I’m girl”. I was never thrilled with my body but it didn’t really bother me. Anyway I was wondering if anyone else had the same experience? I’d love to hear from you either way.



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New Member     United States of America, Missouri, Sedalia
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I'm new here but have been I guess transgendered all my life, I am 59 yo, about 13 years ago I went to counceling and took estrogen for about two years and finally stopped because I have the most wonderful wife a decided to just tough it out with this wonderful lady, she did not care for my transitioning but she still loved me. Any gast forward to today, about 2 months ago I was diagnosed with penile cancer and was circumcised. I hate the way it feels, it rubbs and hurts all the time and I want the cancer gone. After a lot of disscution with my wife she agree's with whatever I want to do, so, what I really would like is total srs but would settle for vulvoplasty , no dept vigina. My problem is I cannot find my therapist, with time running out for me. If the cancer advances too far I will lose the gland, so no clit cam be made. Plus I still will live as a nonbionary man even though I have pretty big man boobs. Does anyone have any suggestions on what course to take and also a good therapist. I think my Drs will not or cannot do what I want and be hell bent on saving something I've wanted rid of all my life. A woman can have her breast off as a cancer preventitve but will they do the same for a male with the penis. Thank you all for listening.

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Active Member     United States of America, Montana
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Shelly,

I’m afraid I don’t have much for insight, but wanted to say that I’m a cancer survivor and know how scary it can be.

Your journey is a personal one, which ultimately be decided between you and your wife.

I found a transgender therapist in my state through a listing on Psychology Today.

I wish you both the best and a speedy recovery.



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New Member     United States of America, Missouri, Sedalia
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First I would like to apologize to Maranda for coming in here and dumping my problems, I didn't realize, had so many problems so not thinking real straight.  Yes I understand how you feel and hormones can really affect your mood. I remember braking down and crying for no reason at all ecept I just felt like it. At least here you have people who know what you are going trough  and care. Hang in there girl.                   Heather, thank you so much for the welcome, I really appreciate it. I'm pretty bad at stepping in and making myself look dumb but I 59 and not to tech savy, thats my excuse so I'll claim it lol. I also have big fingers and typing on my phone I make a lot of mistakes. At least you know a little about me from my ramblings above. I hope you ladies have a wonderful day. Hope to chat again, bye.

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Trusted Member     United States of America, Virginia, Roanoke
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Miranda , Hi , I know exactly how you feel , i to went through the same feelings . Mine started about 3 years ago , i finally said i'am woman , quit fighting it . I would cry for no reason , i felt trapped , i would dress up and feel so bad when i had to be male again , witch i hated . I finally started keeping a diary every day about my feelings , this helped so much , now i am at peace with all that is going on inside me , my hormones are wild sometimes and i have to self gratify myself to cope , that helps also . I've never talked to someone and i may some day , right now i just write it down and deal with it . I've got a lot of help from the wonderful ladies here and would take nothing for them , you can to , just like what you have written here , myself and all here are here for you . Love , Leslie


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