Breasts, Tits, Boobies, whatever you call them they are undoubtedly one of the most necessary female features when it comes to being ourselves. We have all filled a bra with socks, bags of rice, water balloons, forms or a breastplate depending on opportunity or budget but I recently decided that this was no longer enough for me & I wanted the real thing. I had a long discussion with Mrs B regarding whether to start HRT. For various reasons (which I won't go into here) I decided that this wasn't really going to work but Mrs B said she would get me a Noogleberry system for Christmas.
For those who don't know, this is a vacuum pumping system which is supposed to increase breast size. We have all heard claims made for this kind of thing in other areas over the years & they are usually overstated & or just plain false. This being the case I am not expecting much but I have read stories from users who claim to have had very good results using one. Also it is a lot cheaper & more accessible than any of the other options. HRT & surgeries are too expensive & involve too many dealings with the gatekeepers of the medical profession. Supplements & herbs are just snake oil so it's worth a punt I suppose.
The order went in for an "airlock contoured system " with large cups just before Christmas. The suggestion was to start small & increase the cup size as required but we decided that was a bit of a waste of money so we just went straight for the bigger size. I soon got an email saying they were out of stock due to high demand. Doing research I found that this is a not uncommon situation & is one of the main issues people have had. To be fair though, a package arrived early in the second week of January so not too bad overall.
We soon unpacked it & read through the instruction sheet. It took all of about 2 minutes before both of us were slipping a cup on & giving it a go with much chuckling in evidence. Once we had got past the novelty aspect I settled down to give it a proper go.
In order to get a good seal the edges of the cups need some kind of cream or lotion applied otherwise the air can escape quite easily (with a very fruity parping noise, more chuckling ensued) I am just using a vitamin E body lotion which seems to work just fine & is good for massaging in afterwards. The big issue to begin with is how much to pump. As it happened I wanted to see how big I could go straight away. That proved to be an error as once I took them off I was covered in red dots where I had burst capillaries in the area. It's not a big problem but it is recommended to let things settle down before trying again. Getting the right level of pressure has proved to be the main problem so far, I want enough pull to ensure that things are going to be effective but not so much that it causes damage. As the month went on I got a better handle on how far to go but did overdo it one more time. I am timing the process with a pump & release schedule of 8 mins pumped then release the pressure for 2 minutes, repeat the process for one hour once a day.
As it happens, nature has seen fit to give me a nice A cup chest naturally & I would like to get to a C if possible. Whether this is realistic remains to be seen. I haven't taken any measurements as such & I am just using my existing "A" bra as a guide to how effective the system is. The underwiring digs into my chest between the cups so if this problem eases then we can safely assume that it is working. TGH policy & a healthy degree of modesty will prevent any photo's being posted so I will just have to paint a verbal picture & hope that will be sufficiently descriptive for you.
Having set the scene above, it is now the end of the first month & I have been hard at it for as long as I could. A slightly late start due to the stock issues & 2 episodes of overdoing it mean that I have only really got about 19 days of actual use so far. Finding an hour a day for this has been pretty easy, just get everything going while watching telly at night after tea so that's not going to be a problem. I was not expecting any quick results with this approach so I am surprised to be able to report that even at this early stage I feel like there are some signs of improvement! Certainly straight out of a session there is a very noticeable increase in size. This obviously recedes over the next few hours as things settle down but as it stands my hopes are higher than I had initially thought.
That's it for now, I will be back at the end of Feb with an update on how next month goes & I hope that this information may prove useful if you have any interest in going down this route.
Looking forward to what your results are going to be month by month .