hola alguna se esta hormonando con Progyluton ?
yo llevo un mes y estoy contenta con los resultados y ahora no veas como me duelen y lo sensibles que estan mis pechos
Noelia, is that what your doctor prescribed? I would be checking with them first so you make sure you get an answer that fits your medical situation. Michelle
I would speak with your doctor about the Hormones you are on .
It can take up to 5 years even longer for some woman to develop their breast . They will seem like they are growing fast and then you hit a stand still ,which if feels like no growth at all . Your breast size will be based on your genes and other factors , your height , body weight etc ..etc ... just like it is with cis-gender woman . Like Michelle said , not sure where you are on your transition , but yes , speak with your doctor if you have concerns .
Me estoy ato hormonando pero llevo control de analítica mi médico de cabecera que ella sabe k hago eso
<span lang="en">I am getting hormonal but I have analytical control my GP that she knows what I do taking hormones on my own without a prescription</span>