I been on mtf hrt estradiol and spironolactone or 2 years in July. I love the changes i received so far. My breast are getting bigger and the bulge in my pants is getting smaller. I feel better emotionally. I have not socially transition and I am fine with that and my gf iikes the changes as well.
I still not out to others yet and am happy with presenting as a male to other and have no really plans to transition full time Curious if others have felt like me or been in a similar situation and how long did you keep it from others before they started to notice.
Congratulations on your 2 years on HRT!
Interesting. When I decided to come out, it was more of an explosion rather than a wimper. The last vestige of maleness disappeared within 2 years and it was only because i was a Snr Manager of over 30 staff and i was afraid of the ramifications. So i took them all out for lunch and announced my transness. That was met with numerous BS comments but non the less, two weeks of leave followed by a return to work as "me" convinced them.
A lifetime of suppression, fear, hiding and guilt meant i would never be satisfied with half measures. I'm not saying what you are doing is wrong. Just that I couldn't do that. The woman in me was strong and fighting to come out in all ways possible.
First, congratulations of being on Hrt for a couple years now. We all are unique and their is no set schedule you have to keep on your journey. Your path to happiness is your own. Some jump in full speed ahead and others might go slower or even pause for a bit. Plenty of factors effect how you move forward. So enjoy your journey and don't let anyone influence your path to happiness.
Erin thanks for sharing I am so happy for you!!! I hope to start Hormone Therapy this month. I want to take a slow approach. I hope to find clarity and validation!
Hugs Barbra
Erin, thank you for sharing your experience. I am so torn between wanting to just simply be me and, not wanting to put my family through the transition that they wouldn't have asked for not perhaps want to face. And as I see it, like it or not if one is married and has children everyone is forced to a certain degree to transition with the transitioner.
But your story gives me hope that just perhaps, between what the hormones could do to my body and my mind & emotions on a low dose level maybe just maybe I could bridge the gulf adequately finding a modicum of peace between who I am and who I have to be for others.