Hi!! I'm just here to ask what health complications I should be worried about. My family is supportive, they're just incredibly worried I'll be diving head first into a world of pain and health issues. Is there any health complications that I'm at high risk of? I'm already on shot #5 so I'm not that far in. My mom's friend (transwoman) even told me she knows and has known trans guys who regret their transition due to the amount of health problems they have. Does anyone else feel this way?? I'm pretty sure there's not any detransitioners here but I wanted to ask anyways 😅
Hi Xeno, without knowing if you are FTM or MTF it isn't possible to answer. If you add some background to your profile bio. it will help people to answer your questions.
Hello Xeno ,
With any major surgery there are always risk for health issues down the road even for us ladies as we get older . I transition 22 years ago and starting to have a few health problems because of it . I have known a few Trans men for some time now and they don't seem to be having any health issues , some of this will come to too ( how good a surgeon you had , and how you healed and take care of yourself
Binders can be a pain so if you wear one , make sure it is comfortable and allows you to be able to flex and bend with restraint You don't want to crush your ribs or broke one , that would not be comfortable .
Another thing to consider is when you have top surgery to keep that area clean and it drains , your surgery will be able to give you the guidelines to follow for a successful recovery as to lower surgery as well .