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What is everyone doing to become the best them?

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Trusted Member     United States of America, New Jersey, Mantua
Joined: 3 years ago

So I'm curious what paths everyone has wondered down. Where you started, where you're at, and where you plan to go.

The Start

My first steps were to really get control of my body. To that end, I started intermittent fasting and doing both yoga and Chloe Ting's Hourglass challenge, as well as removing all body hair (except a little patch :3)

The Present
I've lost 25lbs so far and getting a pretty nice butt thanks to Chloe.
Hair removal is being done by Melan, and it is going well so far. pretty significant reduction all around.
Next week I start Therapy, In my state, one year is required before HRT is available.

The Future

Gert rid of my masculine tattoos
then surgery: Face, boobs, bottom in that order.

What about you guys and gals?

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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
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Valerie, my first step was sitting and doing some very serious thinking, then tons of research that I still do to this day. Then I started to map out a plan. And my first step was to visit an endocrinologist. And then a therapist for the sole purpose of getting the paperwork ducks in a row in order to get my first surgery; orchiectomy. My plan was to follow up with a BA the following year, but the pandemic stopped that plan.....

Fast forward to late last year, and my BA is done. I haven't had any male clothes or lifestyle around in a few years now. It is just me; being me....

For me, getting my bottom surgery negated the need for any T blockers, so I have never been on anything but estradiol. Research and planning were my best friends. Hope that helps. Michelle

Posts: 48
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Trusted Member     United States of America, New Jersey, Mantua
Joined: 3 years ago

Thank Michelle, I appreciate your reply, I've been doing a lot of research, but its the old adage, I don't know what I don't know, so I've been chasing rabbit holes. I'm guessing BA is Breast Augmentation?


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Active Member     United States of America, Connecticut, Newtown
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I am not doing any surgeries... even though my nose is large... my mental health issues are larger.

My body hair is done, pretty much.

I am pretty happy with my weight.

Balls are staying put as I want to love all of myself. Spearmint tea is my anti-androgen.

I want continued skin improvement. So I hope to eliminate all hyper pigmentation via protein peptides and dermatological procedures.

Working on facial exercises and exploring dermal fillers to combat aging.

I might grow my hair out... my hairline is iffy though.

Posts: 48
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Trusted Member     United States of America, New Jersey, Mantua
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi Crystal, thank you for sharing. You mentioned your mental health, are you getting therapy?
Also, I was wondering about hyper pigmentation, I never heard that term, is it like a birth mark?

Lots of love❤️

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Noble Member     United States of America, Virginia, Front Royal
Joined: 5 years ago

Valerie, you would be correct. The trans world says 'top surgery' the rest call it BA. Semantics I guess. Any time you'd like to ask questions or just have a sounding board, feel free to send me a PM. If i can't help, we will find someone that can. Hugs, Michelle

Posts: 14
Active Member     United States of America, Connecticut, Newtown
Joined: 3 years ago

Thanks for your concern. I have had a psychiatrist at the VA for many years. I have access to a therapist as well. Neither helps as much as a sunny spring day.

Yes, for me the pigmentation is in the form of red splotchiness from sun damage. I grew up in southern California in the 1970's and for boys it was 'go outside and play'. Girls got to stay inside if they wanted to. We were not allowed inside before dinner time. No sunscreen. By the time I graduated high school I already had deep lines on my neck and bacon like skin on my neck.

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Noble Member     United States of America, California, Cathedral City
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I have no plans for physical transition. I don't have dysphoria to any noticeable degree. What took me many decades to realize was that I have always been an amalgam of female and male energies, thoughts, perceptions and likes/dislikes. I think I have probably always known but I was afraid to admit this to myself.

Socially speaking, I am out. Very few here know of Don or have met him. DeeAnn is the person of record in all of my volunteer, non-profit and civic engagements. As sometimes happens, things take on a life of their own. In some circles I am known as The Hat Lady.

I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing...


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