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Would breast implants make it easier to pass?

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Posts: 141
Estimable Member     United States of America, Wisconsin, Madison
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi Lauren,  Yes I think that I agree with the others here and think that your best approach is to just be you.  If that involves a surgery, ok and if not that's ok too.  It's really you that determines your own outlook when you look in the mirror but don't base any decisions on what you think others see.  When I first had breasts and cleavage (naturally occurring) I didn't like them and I thought that that wasn't me.  I hid them and covered them up.  Then when I realized what was going on in my body and accepted it, I was ok with them and actually would wear a low cut top or bikini.  Now that I'm much older (think granny) my breasts have slowly started melting down my chest and I miss them but I wouldn't get them surgically replaced.  It's just the latest version of me and I'm ok with that.  I have women friends that have no breast tissue and they are very beautiful and feminine and are happy as they are.  And then I have other women friends that have had several surgeries to change things that they disliked about their bodies.  In the end they were all just themselves.  Perhaps the grass is always greener elsewhere.  If I got the lotto, I would get a new nose.  For me that's the body part that unsettles me the most but in reality that is the nose that I will probably take to my grave.  So, I think that you are as womanly as you think you are.  I hope this is of some help.    Marg

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Reputable Member     Canada, British Columbia, Victoria
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Hi Marg,

Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. 🙂
I am now waiting to hear from my cardiologist, there is now a newer form of estradiol that is a transdermal patch, it isn't as prone to cause blood clots, but there are still a lot of potential side effects for older people, especially if you've had cardiac issues. And the more I think about it, regarding surgery, as both of us know, at our age we really don't want to go through any surgery unless it's really necessary. I already have enough of my own breast tissue to enjoy wearing my chemise, so I think I'll be okay with what I have and how I look. 🙂

Hugs, big hugs,

Ms. Lauren M

Posts: 141
Estimable Member     United States of America, Wisconsin, Madison
Joined: 3 years ago

Lauren you are beautiful no matter what.   I had a surgery stopped in mid-operation because they were scared of sudden heart issues.  It really caused a lot of problems for me.  First because they never finished, and second because nobody wanted to touch me after that.  We can private message if you ever want more details but you have definitely raised a good point.  I still think that I can rock it with my current body and a good pushup bra.  I'm satisfied also with where I'm at in my life now.  Safe Journey,  Marg

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More able to pass? Able to show some cleavage? Most likely. But maybe not in the way you may think. Breast forms, in my case, were that constant reminder that, 'no, I'm not'. Having a BA (almost one year now) reminds me that, yes, they are there. They are me. And they don't come off. Ever! So, that added mental and emotional boost goes a long way in how happy you may be out in public. And that just has to make it easier to pass. Confidence is a huge plus!

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Trusted Member     Canada, Ontario
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Hey Lauren and all!

I was hesitant to say anything, but WTH.

It is a wonderful day when someone compliments your breasts!

I'm a bit of an odd-ball. I have naturally protruding breasts. Much of this is genetics and diet and only God knows. Also, there are many foods high in estrogen: berries, soy and dairy products, just to name a few. I drink about a litre of milk a day just because I love milk, notwithstanding the possible breast growth benefits.

Recently, I got together with some transwomen who have surgically transitioned. They've become dear friends. We got giggly and silly one night and had a "Breast Reveal Party". When they saw mine, their eyes popped out. I'm told they are "cute". LOL!!

Yeah, it feels good and affirming! I can't hide them anymore, especially in the summer with only a T-shirt on. I'm not boasting, but just letting you know that they are wonderful and they feel like they should be there! And, when I wear a lycra LBD, I don't wear a bra because an LBD is like pantyhose for boobs! LOL!!

So... if you want implants, then who am I to say "no".

PM me if you'd like to talk further about this. I could even... I dunno... send you a pic?

Love, Barb 🙂


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