I recently spent 2 weeks in Tennessee with a very close and special friend. I created a lot of memories that I will never forget. It was the most fun, heartfelt and exciting 2 weeks of my life. We tried to do something special together each day I was there. I had the most fun shopping, dining out and attending church functions with her that I have ever had. In that 2 weeks I fell in love. She would respond to my constant inquiries of “Why do you love me so much?”, by smiling and saying "because you get me”.
I have not, but I want to very much so. But first I need to find others like me locally. Quite the dilemma.
I have never been out with anyone like me, I know that we are scattered all over the United States in the world, because I have seen your articles read your stories. I also have talked to a few online, but I think it would be awesome to meet up with someone to be able to hang out, and to know that we are on the same page, it’s tough here in Michigan to try to meet up .it seems that I found they’re not quite as open as to say the east or west coast I live in a rule area that’s not overly excepting that I’ve come across, so for now, I’ll just have my friends online and maybe one day be able to take a trip, and meet up out there, thank you❤️🌹
Have not, but wish I could.
I have to say both yes and no. I lived for 25 years in a community of 250 closely knit people, more than a tenth of which were on the non-cis side of the spectrum. I don't know of one person in that town that had an issue with any of us, and there was no one that wouldn't offer help if needed.
Unfortunately, because of financial issues, I had to move 1200 miles away from my huge support group, and in the two years I've been in Bloomington, I have not met a soul that I could go out and spend and evening listening to music, or dancing, or doing something simple like playing a game of cards and I feel very alone and isolated here.
Now I have been out on the town for a girls night out with friends more times then I can remember, I have been out for a day of shopping and stuff just as many times. It is always a blast, and I never go alone, as I am just a big scaredy cat or I just love to have someone with me. I have also had more friends then I can count want to move past a simple friendship, despite my insistence, that I am already with someone, and I just want to be friends. I even used to wear a big engagement ring to keep people at bay, btw most do not care. Some friends eventually get it and took on a protector, a friend or a big sister role, others it broke us apart. Do not get me wrong I love all my friends to death and treat them like my favorite sister when we are together. However to answer the question at hand, no, I have not been out with someone like me. I have had people get me, and I get them, I have had the googlely given to me and I have given to them others, but deep down the more I know myself, the more I realize I am unique in the world, and it is ok for someone not to understand me, it is far better for them to share time and love.
I wish I could go out with others like me I feel isolated here where I live in central Florida. Maybe one day….
Yes, and had a long relationship with one. I go out with the girls, mostly SIS...I don't have any male friends?
I wear a wedding ring and engagement ring all the time, it's a thing for myself really...a commitment to me. And no men don't take much notice of rings on fingers, well not with me they haven't. I know a lot of LGBT people and meet them pretty often, a few are trans women. I'm lucky I guess.
Alex x