Thanks Barbie,
Very good example of what we should be doing.
You made her day! 😘
It was a very meaningful gesture for Cindy. Although I don't think that I, for now, would have dared.
But life is unpredictable.
I met Josie at a cigar bar last year on my birthday she was at the bar and I immediately recognized her as transgender I struck up a conversation with her and now we’re good friends we text every week and I spent New Year’s Eve with her back at the bar this year
I voted yes, because I think it's a good idea to say hi and start a conversation, but on the other hand, I'm not sure if I quite have the confidence to go up to a stranger and start talking to them.
I have no problem saying hi and striking up a conversation with a stranger when I'm out and bout . Going to work of doing errands . You would be surprised on how open others can be when you smile and say hi . I meet a lot of neat people through out my life , some have become friends in the end , Others I never saw again after that meet , but it does fill you with good vibs , it's playing it forward !
I go through life smiling. It's the best way to live.
Keep smiling , makes folks wonder what the hell you have been up to !