We all have a journey to live and it don’t matter what vehicle we used to get there as long as we make there in the vehicle we want.
What is your vehicle in life? Tell me about your life vehicle
Me it was my 1st wife leaving me and me realizing that I was indeed a crossdresser. It was like a big load of weights falling off my chest. It was like the guilt and shame were gone.
That was step one.
The girlfriends I had that encouraged me to me true to myself. This is the step were I learned my style to match my personality and to open up and let people see the real me.
That was step 2
To have my second wife that not only understands and supports me. But she goes even farther and offer a support for other women going though the same thing.
She is my Semi Truck to where I am today.
She has given me the courage to share my life and stories to the world. Because once I'm gone, my life and stories go with me. That's when my life experiences don't have anyone.
So since 2016 I been telling my story in hopes it may help others and give courageousness to follow them true self. No what stands in their way.
This is Hippie from CD Heaven
Hippie, that reminds me of an old song by The Tubes; What Do You Want From Life. I attached some of the lyrics below. But you are right. Who were are inside is what is behind the wheel. Our body is just the physical car. And we change that car body from time to time. Some though, are just fine with the same car for their entire life..... Hugs, Michelle
If you're an American citizen you are entitled to:......
A new Matador
A new mastadon
A Maverick
A Mustang
A Montego
A Merc Montclair
A Mark IV
A meteor
A Mercedes
Or a Malibu?
A Mort Moriarty
A Maserati
A Mac truck
A Mazda
A new Monza
Or a moped
A Winnebago
Hell, a herd of Winnebago's, we're giving 'em away
Thank you. I think i remember that song and boy that is sure true about cars and human bodies and the changes we go though
Land Rover all the way! My wife is my Defender and my RangeRover all ‘rolled’ into one. The RangeRover for the style and pizazz and the Defender for reliability and ‘get anywhere’ attitude!
Not something Americans will understand but... well, anyway.
Putt, putt Polly
I think my trans vehicle is a donkey, slow, stubborn and a pain in the ...
love allways,
Well I think I understand what you mean.
After 25 years with the brand, I have become the quintessential old lady driving a Cadillac🤣
Whatever vehicle it is/was it has always been up on blocks with the wheels , engine and transmission gone.