As we all know, the transgender community is under attack in MANY ways, such as bathroom usage, preventing gender related healthcare, preventing the use of appropriate pronouns, forcing detransition, etc. What I want to set the stage for some free thinking and see what thoughts bubble to the surface. This will be an attempt to cast a broad net with no restrictions on where the ideas come from.
The Question:
Given that our beloved community of transgender people (in the broadest sense of the word) is under relentless attack by those who believe there is something wrong with us, what are some ways that we may counteract this? In other words, how do we fight back?
Not expecting miracles and remember that there are no wrong answers here. Let’s see your best thinking!
There are all kinds of political actions we can take, the most basic of which is to be informed and vote for candidates that pledge to protect and support our human rights. But I think even more fundamental than that is to stand up and be supportive in our personal and social lives -- use appropriate pronouns, let other trans people (especially, especially kids) know that we love and support them and will defend them if necessary, be open and vocal about trans rights, dignity, and acceptance in our social interactions, etc. A little example goes a long way.
Tough one. The motivations to be ‘anti’ are in many cases, based on religious and political interests. We have a zillion organizations worldwide doing what they can. Lately, it’s been one step forward, two steps back. Personally I doubt the stats that estimate the number of LGBT people worldwide. I suspect it to be much higher simply because the estimate of individuals in the closet is much higher than thought. Still, we represent a small percentage of the total population, but big enough to have clout. My hope is more LGBT get involved in politics, in high positions, where they can make a difference, educate fellow politicians, teach others we all have the same rights. Even at our level as nobodies, we can try to educate others simply by discussing issues related to equality, etc. Invite local authoritative individuals to LGBT events in our local areas, get in the media’s face. We don’t have to present en femme to fight for the rights of the LGBT communities. So being in a closet is irrelevant when it comes to taking a position.
Shaming someone has had results. Picketing outside individuals residences peacefully draws a lot of positive attention and the media love it. Not my favorite but it does work.
‘Anti’ individuals who are good talkers, have the ability to mask the truth as something it isn’t to satisfy their supporters. They need to be called out and forced to provide the hard evidence behind their statements which, as we know, they cannot do. Matters not short term as they continue the lies. Unless we continue to call them out, they will gain supporters to their false claims.
I suppose this post might get me in shit. Oh well, life goes on.
For years I tried to use a hypothetical situation as an example to maybe help others understand we in the ‘other’ world are just people trying to get through life the best we know how, without fears, hatred, and violence, just like everyone else and that we all are in this together.
A high ranking politician making a name for them self is headed to an anti LGBT rally to show their support and are involved in a major accident. Police are notified, ambulance is arriving. Things don’t look good at all. The ambulance driver looks the person in the eyes and says, “ I must inform you, you will die in minutes unless you let us save your life now. I need to tell you I’m gay, and my assistant is transgender. We can save your life now or if you choose, let you die right here. So, what’ll be?”
The frustrating part of change is it’s slow coming. We can have parades, interviews, law suits, protests, etc, but nothing we do will move the issue along faster. I think educations at the grassroots level, media interviews and discussions will keep the wheels rolling. As for a magic pill to solve it all? Not in my lifetime sadly.
I understand your logic, but there are some people out there who reside at the intersection of ignorance and stupidity. Case in point: in the early days of the ACA an elderly man, who was vehemently opposed to the existence of the ACA, was saved from dying due the medical intervention he received that was funded through the ACA. After he recovered, he was STILL opposed to the legislation and as he stated, he would have been OK if they had let hime die.
That’s how deep BS runs…
Seems it’s always people like him that get the headlines instead of how important the ACA is.
I think just being me everywhere is my most powerful tool. I ask myself what "they" can do to me....arrest Me? Arrest us All? If so, I hope they're prepared to have the court system swamped with TG/CD cases. Wouldn't that be a spectacle!!!
Ms. Rosa Park rode a public bus to get to her destination. She proved that legal discrimination of that sort doesn't work today.
History had seen its fair share of scapegoating. Whenever the Czar wanted to draw attention from bleeding his subjects, that was a good time for an old fashioned pogrom against “them”. Quiescence is seen as weakness. There is power in numbers, so IMHO being out there to make allies… to show the world we’re not going anywhere except where we want to go, is important. Persistence of an idea is what historically leads to societal change. I’ve heard the conversations of coworkers and family who decry how society is changing, and how that unsettles them. Obviously those who came before us have already made a difference.