Enjoying What We DO Have

I don’t know about you ladies, but this Coronavirus has put quite a damper on my April time. For me, she has always been a release, but she has also been a way to express myself out in public. That option has been taken away from me for months by this virus, and I miss it. I really do. I don’t get the same satisfaction at home as I do when I am out and about – even just wandering the malls and buying nothing. I want to be seen – to tell the world that I am here and I am me and I won’t let anyone stop me from being the person I am – all the wonderful, joyous, and even the not so wonderful aspects of myself on display.

I know most of you have been afraid to be who you are at times. I was too, but when I finally got over that hurdle a whole new world opened to me; now that world has been placed on temporary hold. I miss it. I miss getting together with my girlfriends and going out to a show or to shop or just to get a drink. I know this temporary isolation will eventually end, but I also know that I need human contact, and I especially need the company of my friends; I call so many of you my friends. The internet is wonderful, but it is not really a substitute for personal contact.

So far I have cancelled three vacations this year – two CD/TG conferences and just now, I had to cancel a visit from a friend due to a resurgence of the virus.

Well… I have concluded that this virus is going to be around for awhile. I am going to find ways to express myself, even if it is behind a mask. I will use the time I’d set aside for my friend’s visit to explore Seattle. There is so much of the city that I don’t know, and I have lived here for almost 30 years. I’m going to check out the city to see and be seen. It is summer after all, so I will find a lovely spot or two outside to have a bite, get a drink, or just enjoy the sun and the scenery. There is still much to appreciate and be thankful for.

I am lucky to live near Seattle, a city that appreciates diversity and whose residents treat me with respect and kindness. I have a loving family that is relatively accepting, and my youngest daughter fully embraces me. My employer and fellow employees are accepting or at least tolerant, and I have never heard anything derogatory. At 62, I no longer worry about needing to find that “next job,” and I am free to express myself…within the limitations of this virus of course.

…And if this is the “new normal” (temporarily I hope,) I will adjust. I just know that there is still a lot that I CAN do – so I’m going to focus on doing what I can, and making sure that April is out there.

Be safe everyone, but don’t stop living.

Hugs, April

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April King

I have been crossdressing since about the age of 7, and took a 30+ year hiatus from dressing while I was busy raising my family. I started dressing again a few years ago, and at times I feel TG, and other times, simply someone who likes to crossdress. I finally like who I am though, and I am moving closer and closer to who I want to be, but I'm not quite sure who that is yet. My feelings go back and forth over time, yet I'm finally at peace with who I am and can't wait to keep moving forward.

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Active Member
4 years ago

April dear, you are a ray of sunshine to our world. Absolutely get out there, safely yes, but out there and free! someone said, “don’t let what we cannot do, stop us from doing the things we CAN do…" What we focus on expands so I do my best to focus on what I am grateful for and how I can bring a smile to a strangers face when we meet 😉 send some pics of Seattle and speak louder so you are heard well through the mask; I look at it like this, with my eyes done, make up… Read more »

Active Member
4 years ago
Reply to  April King

Beautiful; Imagination is the preview of life’s coming events, says Mr Einstein, so imagine “already being" and living as you want to. That’s what I have been doing and the serendipitous things to make the “how" just keep showing up…
I am no longer afraid, or doubtful, I’m just watching me “do" the steps as they reveal them selves haha

Its Harvest time on the prairies so 14 to 16 hour days where I’m helping out, today’s a rain day haha
chat again soon my dear April
n huggles dear

Active Member
4 years ago
Reply to  April King

😉 why thaaank you Maam , I am grateful 🙂

𝓜𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝓒𝓁ℴℯ́ 💋💋
Active Member
4 years ago

You’ve always brought joy to the people you meet April. The conferences will return and the opportunities to meet long distance friends again is something I know will reconnect us.

Vanessa Law
Active Member
Vanessa Law(@vanessa)
4 years ago

What a wonderful perspective  April King – even in the midst of everything going on, it’s still good to be grateful for everything we have!

Active Member
4 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa Law

Agreed across the board, it’s our Attitude of Gratitude that attracts more things to feel grateful for I have learned; I have also learned that for nature to allow a very special variety of mushrooms to grow, the forest must first be burned to ash, but only the surface is scorched, the forest Always grows back stronger, healthier and more vibrant than before. We’re just cooling our ashes Gurls hahaha we about to start the regeneration process and this is going to be one fun ride so focus up n stay on course, chin up, chest out and as they… Read more »

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