EVERYONE is special to SOMEONE

Trans-Siberian Orchestra Lyrics

(posted for reflective thoughts as expressed below)

“Not The Same”

I heard a note
In the dark
Where it slipped into my mind
And somehow still remains
Time comes and goes
Ebbs and flows
And somehow that single note
Still rings on and sustains
For I need someone
Not just anyone
For when all is said and done
Is not the same
There was a soul in the dark
And it flies across the night
Towards a far distant flame
Cross forest and streets, every beat
Keeps it moving towards a goal
It may never obtain
For it needs someone
Not just anyone
For when all is said and done
Is not the same
You were the hope that I kept
Secretly inside and by
My whole life it was framed
Some never saw or suspected
That it was there and I
All alone knew your name
For we need someone
Not just anyone
For when all is said and done
Is not the same

Sometimes, there is someone who makes an impact in your life that resonates from that moment forward. We can either be the beneficiary or the one making the impact.

Yet, we don’t often realize the effect our seemingly simple actions can have on others.  Simply by living our lives and being true to ourselves, we may become an inspiration for others. Sometimes, it could impact many, while at other times it may be just one person. Ultimately, isn’t that why we all are put here on Earth-to make a difference?

It can be far too easy to say “I’m not important; no one cares about what I do; who am I to think I can make a difference,” but as the writer of the song says-YOU may be the hope that keeps someone going when their life seems to be falling apart.  Even if no one else notices you, what if you are the reason that they decide their life is still worth living? That person COULD be the person who someday cures cancer. They might simply be a person who serves mankind by spreading joy within their daily lives. We can never know who is watching us, seeing how we deal with our struggles and our joys. The way we live our lives can change the world.

The folks in our community have spent many years in isolation. I think each of us, at least once, if not many times has felt as if we were the only one in the world feeling the way we do. But then we find a place like CDH and realize we are NOT alone. We find a friend who shares our feelings, and the desperation we thought was our destiny gives way to hope that one day, our community will be seen for who we are.

We are first and foremost people, who deserve the same respect as any others do. As we grow confident in accepting of ourselves, we can welcome new members to the site and do for them what others once did for us.

You don’t have to save the world- it can be as simple as being there for others. Listening to their story and encouraging them to reach THEIR goals-whatever those may be. We’ll all be better for it. Each of us has our own path-some may choose to eventually transition, some may just want to go out, and others may be content to remain private in their dressing (or may be constrained by their circumstances); ALL of them equally valid paths.  All I want for others is for them to live their lives as THEY want to and not how I choose to live mine.

So the next time you feel like you can’t make a difference, remember you probably already DO to someone!  Just maybe that thought will help you get back up if you’ve stumbled or help you to continue on when you are too tired to go on.

If there is someone who has made that difference in YOUR life- TELL them-today!


BTW below is another great song she does for TSO—such passion in her voice! I wrote an article or forum post in the past  about this one too https://www.crossdresserheaven.com/forums/topic/someday-dont-wait-to-late/
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Cynthia S

Crossdressed since age 11 til age 53 as of 2018. Joined Crossdresser Heaven in August 2015. Since then I have been exploring my feelings and trying to determine what my best path is -staying CD and just getting out more often and openly as i have been recently; social transitioning outside work; or actually transitioning full time; just not certain what's right for me.

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Michelle Liefde
Active Member
Michelle Liefde(@elantari)
5 years ago

Cyn, thank you once again for finding inspiration in song and sharing your reflections with us all. Also, thanks for introducing yet another artist that I did not know until your article. I wholeheartedly agree that we all do make a difference in each others lives and though it may not seem like a larger than life moment, it is the smaller ones than can have the more lasting impact on each other. Much love my friend!


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