For Children Who Were Broken: A Poem Elia Wise

“For Children Who Were Broken:” A Poem by teen Elia Wise

by Elia Wise 

For adults who were treated badly as children

For children who were broken, it is very hard to mend…… 

Our pain was rarely spoken and we hid the truth from friends. 

Our parents said they loved us, but they didn’t act that way.

They broke our hearts and stole our worth, with the things that they would say. 

We wanted them to love us.

We didn’t know what we did to make them yell at us and hit us, and wish we weren’t their kid. 

They’d beat us up and scream at us and blame us for their lives. Then they’d hold us close inside their arms and tell us confusing lies of how they really loved us — even though we were BAD, and how it was OUR fault they hit us, OUR fault that they were mad. 

When days were just beginning we sometimes prayed for them to end, and when the pain kept coming, we learned to just pretend that we were good and so were they and this was just one of those days … tomorrow we’d be friends. 

We had to believe it so. We had nowhere else to go. 


This poem is continued and can be read in full at these locations:

For children who were broken, it is very hard to mend…… | Family Solutions Teen Help (

Saylor says…: For Children Who Were Broken : A Poem by teen Elia Wise (

** Partially reprinted by fair use guidelines and in the hopes that the message will help current members. It is not the intent to profit from or infringe on the author’s rights. Please go to Letter to Earth: An Interview with Elia Wise – The Edge Magazine to read her interview. We all deal with abuse, and with children it is worse, and worse yet for those who suffer from gender issues. Please seek help from professionals if you are being abused or witness to the abuse. How to Report Child Abuse and Neglect – Child Welfare Information Gateway



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2 years ago

Remember Cinderella Eventually made it to the ball, Annie saw the sun come out in her tomorrow and, lady gaga says she was born that way… to not be a queen but to be a star, and tomorrow starts today, and who doesn’t love a good rags to riches story, I mean honestly. Just be true to your self and shine like the star you were always meant to be love. No one can ever take that away from you.

2 years ago

Wow that was powerful stuff, not everyone has that experience and I am glad that is so but for those of us who had to go through that this hits far to close to home for comfort but I encourage you not to be discouraged by the faithless ignorance of the people in your lives who put you trough such experiences, we are not to blame for who we are and we aren’t what happened to us in our pasts we are the positive results of those hardships, we are the hope for the future, and should always know that… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  LadyRougeheart

Remember Cinderella Eventually made it to the ball, Annie saw the sun come out in her tomorrow and, lady gaga says she was born that way… to not be a queen but to be a star, and tomorrow starts today, and who doesn’t love a good rags to riches story, I mean honestly. Just be true to your self and shine like the star you were always meant to be love. No one can ever take that away from you.

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