Reply To: Coming out is hard


Earlier this year I was with a girlfriend (friend that’s a girl…mtf here) of mine and after we got done with dinner at a restaurant I asked if we could take the long way home (back to the apartment complex where we both live in separate units) and I rambled on around the moment of coming out for about 50 miles of driving, cried a lot off and on, then detached myself from reality and allowed my body to just say it…I’m transgender. The bandaid was off. All was good.

Nothing like when I came out in 2011 when my family (who I don’t talk to anymore) didn’t take it well causing me to go back into the closet for another decade while progressing down the path of suicide ideation and almost alcoholism. I’m now on anti-depressants and don’t allow alcohol in my house or body.

My parents and siblings rejected me and I cut them off. The friend I came out to this year is super cool about it and spent the evening helping me shop for makeup for the first time.

What finally pushed me over the edge into the I HAVE to come out as soon as I can work up the nerve, which I WILL zone was something I heard somewhere. Imagine being on your deathbed right now. What do you regret? Now stop that regret from happening. I actively thought about that for a year before I had a very serious life is too short moment and came out. You only get to do this once…no second chance…stop wasting it, NOW!

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