Reply To: Regrets?


There’s a great article I stumbled across in Elle literally this morning on exactly this topic! I found it on Apple News. It’s about a “tech bro” that had started his own successful company and then, after that fell apart, transitioned and tried to start another tech company. She ended up running into all kinds of difficulties and challenges that weren’t there when she was a “cis white male.” It’s a really fascinating look into gender politics and marginalization in the business world.

That said, I’ve never been one to consciously use my male privilege, but I fully recognize that it’s been an advantage whether I realize it or not. I guess my point is, it’s something I’d be willing to sacrifice in order to live more happily and with more confidence. In other words, what I would give up in terms of privilege would be more than offset by the surge in self-confidence and self-esteem that I feel as a woman. Does that make sense? As I guy, I always feel like I’ve never measured up – not strong enough, tough enough, handsome enough, smart enough, talented enough…but as Lexi, none of that stuff matters. I’m just “me.” And that’s good enough.

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