Reply To: Purging: Something Every Girl Does Along the Way?


Thank you Shawna,

I do not think ‘purging’ is a necessary step but I do believe it is an activity most people in the community has engaged in. How one defines purging is important for clarity. We are not talking about KonMari-ing our lovelies or making things <span data-dobid=”hdw”>disappear following the statement “OMG! When did I ever think buying that was a good idea.” Purging, I believe, occurs when we are still in that place when we are terrified that a light might be shown upon our true selves; where the societal glop that we has swallowed forces yet another scamper into the closet. </span>

The times I’ve purged I was so deep if you wanted to find me it would have been prudent to fly to the other side of the planet  and start digging there. With maturing and an understanding loving wife the need to procure big black garage bags and sweating by myself late at night is over. Purging never helped and like many has mentioned above, I really regretted it afterward.

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