Reply To: HRT & Sexuality changes

Dee Astra

Hi Emily,

see below;

Cyproterone Acetate 100mg  – 1 once per day (oral)

Oestradiol Valerate – 6mg (3mg am & 3mg pm, e.g. 12hr cycle) (oral)

Micronised Progesterone – 200mg – 1 once per day (oral)

Last bloods (4 months ago (yes I know overdue, but i’m booked in for next now)):-

Testosterone:- 0.99nm/l

Oestrogen:- 493 pmo/l

prolactin:- 878 mu/l  (this is high, not sure if this due to developing (but avoiding crying babies seems wise at the moment) if this remains high i’ll swap to Spironolactone (which has it’s own downsides) )

I also developed a pseudo menstrual cycle after the first month, which along with physical symptoms, includes PMS & PMDD (including typically 2 days of crippling depression, fun times).

So i developed alot of sympathy for women in this regards, just getting on with work, life etc. when all you want to do is curl up the fetal position for 5 to 11 days (oh & my asthma & migraines like to join in at this time).

Symptoms: a sensation of post being kicked in the testicles, along with a weird pulling / raking sensation (this remains pretty consistent, but severity oscillates)

Cramps, typically day 1 start just under the ribs, then as time passes, move down again  severity oscillates, but at least this more intermittent (& walking definitely does not help no matter what anyone says)).

as for any woman suffering with endometriosis, my heart goes out to them, particularly the “just get on with” attitude that is thrown of them, I just cant imagine how bad that is.

I’ve been tracking all of this to make sure if i need to do anything to fit in with my 2 week mentally & physically clear period (particularly the mental side, essentially i seem to have 10 or 12 days where i don’t know if up is down, etc. just fuzzy headed and of course i can get a bit spiky at this point (yes i did loudly shout at my boss so the whole building could hear, during my third cycle, which i would never have done normally)).

oh i forgot mention during my two’ish weeks clear, I also get 1 or 2 days back to back normally where my libido spikes and that again can be really overwhelming

(to clarify my libido has very much changed in nature, but since being on HRT it’s been completely flat lined, other than the days mentioned above, everything works, obviously i don’t produce sperm anymore due atrophy & i know i should ensure that i do whatever regularly to maintain full length to suit SRS later, but honestly I rarely do (e.g. less than once a month), it’s a chore & i’d normally much rather sleep).


As for mental & personality changes, the 6 month mark was huge.

All in all, its a learning curve.

& from what I can gather the changes are going to just keep on coming for next decade & more.



  • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Dee Astra.

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