Reply To: Sexual census. Q:


I apparently voted and can’t remember but probably TG and both.

I don’t remember replying either. But definitely my sexual identity is female. My sexuality is another matter. Right now I lean towards men and in reality I’ve only ever been with one woman who I married. But when I was younger I was very attracted to women. Definitely in love with a few.

But they had no interest in me sexually or relationship wise. Looking back I suspect they wisely saw me who I am or simply gay.

I saw myself as bi and a cd so I tried to meet men as a woman rather naively.

I found out of course, men, even men attracted to us, just want sex. That’s ok. Men are men. I tried the gay route but gay men like men. They didn’t need me dressed as a womam

So really I need a man or a woman who is comfortable with me and who I am.

Sex would be nice, male or female. Actually just intimacy,cuddles,kisses would be nice. None of which my wife offers.

I may say I prefer men right now but I’d be happy if my wife just spontaneously hugged or kissed me tomorrow.

Not so complicated really.

A bit sad though.

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