I haven’t had that issue much at all. It was always easy to remember to use the women’s room when I was out as Evelyn, and now that I’m full-time it’s just instinct. When I was still presenting as a guy, it wasn’t much thought to go to the men’s room. Now, I often wished that I could use the women’s room then, but it wasn’t an issue to go to the “correct” one. Actually, one time I had to go into the women’s room…I was on the emergency squad at work, and I was the first on the scene of a call to a person down in a women’s room. I just announced myself, and basically got an escort in by one of the women there. It felt a little odd to go in presenting as a guy, but once I got to the patient, that all went out of my thoughts.
And for another story, just last week one of the other women in my Aqua class was getting ready to head to the lockers…she dove into the men’s room to start with. It was a quick and embarrassed exit a moment later. It can happen at times. We just deal with it and get out as we can.