Reply To: Anxiety


Hello Randi

The thing being considered here can be a serious issue when you’re out in the everyday world. Your attitude or your friend’s attitude may need to be adjusted to fit what you are doing and how you present yourself to the world. If you are presenting as a woman, then you would need to use the women’s restroom. If you are presenting as a man, then you should use the men’s restroom. Then when you’re in there, just take care of business as needed. After washing your hands, say, in the women’s, then you could do some touch up on make up or comb your hair.  I can understand the anxiety involved but after a while of using those facilities it can get better for you.  And this may sound kind of not caring,  but try to not let one bad incident keep you from going thru the correct door. You can overcome that!  Keeping in mind what you went in there for can help get you through it as well as keeping to yourself as you work through the process. I know some places I have been have had a sketchy look  to them and I have avoided using their facilities if at all possible. Some times you can get a feel for how “safe” a restroom might be by the customers you see in the business. Then some times you just can’t avoid not going to the restroom. Other times I know where I’m going and I get the restroom useage out of the way before I go to that one store or business.  Or I go to some of my usual places as before.  Any more with me it’s second nature to get to the women’s room if I need to.  And anyone with me understands which one I’ll be using.  So that’s my 2 cents on that and I hope it helps in some way! Good luck with your plans and take care! You can make it happen!


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