Hello Aditi
I’m so glad that you are exploring your feminine side through crossdressing. What you may find is that crossdressing or almost any feminine activity will give you some relief from gender dysphoria as it does with me. Because my gender dysphoria got so bad, I only wear feminine clothes from now on. I’m living as a woman full time. Last week I got the gender marker on my driver’s license changed to female. So therefore I no longer think of wearing women’s clothes as crossdressing. In fact, in my mind wearing men’s clothes is crossdressing for me now. Tomorrow I am going to the probate court office to legally change my name to Melissa. This is a milestone for me. One of the things that’s happening to me is that I am starting to really believe that I am a woman. I always pass in public because of all the confidence I now have. I am now smiling and happy when interacting with others in public. You look beautiful when you smile. I have acquired a large number of dresses, skirts, shoes and pantyhose. So I never wear pants in public because I feel a dress makes me look and feel more feminine. When you develop confidence in yourself, passing is no longer a worry as it is for me. Just smile more and that will let everyone everyone know you are happy to be a woman. I hope this helps.
With Love, Melissa