Reply To: Struggling with my identity trying to learn about myself


no worries, I was very forth coming because I have never told anyone about any part of this, so the flood gates opened when I was typing. No prank, just looking to start somewhere to open up about it. This is not something that I would talk about at all, but I have reached a point to where I figured I see if I am the only one that has felt and done all the things. The thought of going to a therapist is a new hurdle I would have to overcome, and it will be a while before I feel before I face the thought of telling someone face to face my issues. A computer is easier but still scary, my mind says what if the one time I say anything about this is the time I ruin everything, like when I got caught. It’s a fear that is too scary for me at the moment. A reply is like your is what I was hoping for, you telling me that someone has described someone like me makes me feel like I am getting somewhere, but I haven’t seen it yet so I don’t know if what he described was good or bad. Sorry if I made you feel this is all a joke, I didn’t mean for it to seem that way.

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