Reply To: But where can I go to find Support Networks

DeeAnn Hopings

Yes, CenterLink is an important organization in the LGBT community. A few years ago the ED-CEO of our LGBT Center:

left to return home to take care of an ailing parent. The replacement that was hired ultimately didn’t work out and about 18 months later we had to search for a new ED-CEO. The one who left to take care of his parent went to work (largely remotely, I assume) for CenterLink and developed materials for leadership development and led workshops for them. When the position here opened up again, he applied and was rehired.

The interesting thing is that he credits his work with CenterLink for making a difference in his leadership style and capabilities. While he was already a well-respected leader, developing leadership materials identified some areas that needed strengthening. It is significant to me that he freely admitted that.

Unfortunately LGBT centers are not in place everywhere. What I will do is open whichever search engine I happen to be favoring at the time and enter this search string:

transgender resources near me

If that is short on results, I will often substitute LGBT for transgender.

Often useful results may not show up in the first page or 2. I tend to go 4 or 5 pages deep into search results before I change the search string.

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