Like most males, we were taught to be strong and not cry. It is hard to break from this. But it is perfectly okay to cry once in a while. I do. I cried recently when my name was legally changed.
Don’t worry about SRS. I am not even certain if I will qualify because I’m 67 and I have a few health issues. However you can still transition without having SRS. I live as a woman full time and I will never become a man again. You see the actual transformation happens in your mind. SRS only gives you the physical characteristics of a female. You will still keep your prostate. Hormones will help but you were still born male. The real issue is your brain which is causing your gender dysphoria. You have to thoroughly believe you are a woman. Even biological females do not have all the physical features of a woman but they believe they are women because they were told they were at birth. I was born a male but I am no more a male than most women are. To put it simply, it is what is between your ears and not just what’s between your legs that determines your true gender identity. I truly believe that I am a woman. My advice is that if you feel you are woman, then try living as a woman as soon as you practically can. If you feel good when living as a woman that will help you begin to believe in yourself.