Reply To: Language: A Reminder…

Elli Snow

I’ve never been a fan of abbreviated language usage, and I’ve been in the tech business since I was trained as an Electronics Tech by the navy 50 years ago.  One of the things the military does if you have to fill out documents or make reports, is send you to a class that runs a week or more, just to teach you how to communicate and how to write letters and numbers in a standard, approved way.  I’m also a trained touch typist and can still hit 80 wpm when I’m in a good mood.

That said, I also am very guilty of using jargon and making “inside” jokes that no one understands because I don’t know a soul in this area that has a technical background.  I try to avoid it because all I get in return is blank looks, but sometimes I wish I had a good LART.

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