Reply To: Health and Nutrition

Kirsten C

Thanks Dasia.

I’ll  tell you keto is a great way to drop a lot of pounds. But it’s a difficult lifestyle. I use portion control and exercise now and it’s been great. 6 weeks of using the silly little colored cups really helped me change my eating habits. I’ve been done with the cups for 2+ months now and I still eat just about the same as when I was using them. It helped me see what I should be eating. And how much of it as well. Now it’s just life. There’s no diet. There’s no off limit foods. There’s just healthy food in good quantities. With plenty of what most people call “cheats”. But for me it’s just life at this point. Some days you do eat pizza or greasy foods. But that’s no big deal. Just stay moderate with the junk, and it’ll all work out.

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