Reply To: Rikkis outta the closet


Hi Rikkis. Congratulation on coming out. I came out end of June 2020. Am 59 years young. It wasn’t easy to do. First person I told was my best friend. All he said was, I knew something was different about you just couldn’t figure it out. He hugged me and said he will all ways be there for me supportive though it all. He didn’t abandon me like I was thinking would happen. His reaction gave me hope and for the first time in my life I felt happy safe and confident. I felt I can now be me. A month later I told me sister, Sadly she took it badly. said some horrible things to me. Three days later she sends me a message telling me she is not judging my decisions in life. Well I told her its not like I woke up one morning and told my self from this time on I will be trans f2m. Another day later she messages me and apologizes to me. She says she is open minded and will give me supportive help as i need it. I think she is coming around to it all. I grew up with 6 siblings 5 still live. Haven’t told any of the others yet. Sister said she won’t say anything. But she will be there comfort me when I am ready to tell them. I feel they may abandon me, but I wont let that get in my way it they do. I feel they can except me for me or not. I hope they all will still love me, as being transgender dosen’t change the person that I am. I am still the same person, just happier as a male. Telling my 3 sons will be another worry to deal with. They all adults now. I hope they understand Its time I took care of me, time to live for me. Theres to much to write, lol this is to long. Save some for another time to write. Best of care and love to all you transgenders. hugs from Jace

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