Reply To: What are Some of Your Interests


Heya all!
I have had lots of hobbies that I’ve gotten into and tried but only a few I can pursue, at the moment, because of current circumstances.  But, of the ones currently, I love hiking, learning new languages, keeping up on and learning more science (what’s your flavor?), sketching (mostly ink and graphite), playing D&D, whittling and woodburning, taking in and enjoying Art in so many varieties, cooking and deeply vibing in the occultic arts (don’t worry, only good stuff here).
When I get a chance, I want to take back up playing the flute, maybe piano or guitar, going kayaking, swimming, sewing, more cooking, beading, jewelry making and perhaps gardening.
Though not hobbies, I do like to have interfaith conversations (learning about other’s beliefs and how they express/practice them), philosophy musings(again, what’s your flavor?), talking about what could be (including aliens, multiverse and potentially fringe science; not a Flat Earther, though) and try to figure out what it takes to be a “real” woman these days.
I nerd easy and have experiences with “winging it” when it comes to trying to fit in, so I can still be conversational even if something’s not my thing.  Is that a hobby?  Because I do the “winging it” thing a lot.

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