Reply To: Shame a simple word but very powerful


Shame wasn’t a word or action I suffered from in relation to who I have been since birth, because I never revealed myself until much later in life, by which time I felt none and was confident in who and what I was. But that never prevented me from feeling it at any point! I can look back to see, that it was one of several self-debilitating emotions that I held onto for years, internalising them all and that eventually put me into hospital with heart disease.

Shame is a powerful word and like so many others, one we should use with care and caution. Humanity has lost perspective on the use and power of words, possibly intentionally by society influences from those with bad intentions. Language has become polluted with more negative and harmful words along with slang in every language and culture. When the purity of anything is diluted, it becomes less powerful, less effective in a healthy way and creates further negative and bad energy around the world. This applies not just to words but most things.

Here, we are focused on the word ‘Shame’ and as we know by its use and effect on individuals, it can be extremely harmful to whoever is the focus of that. It would be bad enough to be and feel shamed by just one other, but when it is magnified by the thoughts and actions of a few or tens, hundreds, thousands, or millions of others, the force becomes ever more powerful in its ability to damage someone, a group, nation or section of humanity with devastating consequences. We have seen this in action for years against minorities, as a result of the divisions made throughout the globe on just about very level on the merit of group, size, colour, place of birth etc.

To be aware is to be armed. So when we communicate with others, we should take care to think and choose our words carefully, not responding in anger or heightened emotion. Take a deep breath and a moment to reflect upon what you think and will say, the words that you will choose to vocalise with an intent that is not harmful or negative.

Love and hugs

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