Further introduction (long post)…

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    • #140467
      Elise AP

      So I’ve already introduced myself in brief, but I wanted to share more about where I’m at currently in my transition, in terms of physical appearance and possessions, this time.

      I am not out yet, so while my options are somewhat limited, I do what I can. I have long hair, which I love. I’ve had it long since primary school, so I’m very comfortable with it. I’ve been trying more femme hair styles like plaits, (my favourite atm is two Dutch plaits, which my mum does for me bc I can’t). I have good skin already, though facial hair is a pain. My face structure is quite long and narrow, with a quite pronounced jawline and not much flesh at all. The length is frustrating, and while I know jawline reduction surgery may be an option in the future, I’m not sure that is something I’ll want. My mouth juts out somewhat, partially to do with my braces, and also my previously quite outward going teeth. I dont mind my face if i cover the bottom half, pretty much. I have some makeup, but I’m sooo bad at using it, it’s hardly worth putting on at all.

      In terms of clothes, I have a few bits, though I struggle to form any of them into a coherent, good looking outfit. My favourite is a solid black, tiered skirt from superdry which is short and really cute, though I struggle to fit it with anything. I have a white skirt, which was the first item I bought, so isn’t great, but I’m sure it could be worked into something. I have a pair of short black dungarees, which are quite loose around the waist despite being the smallest available size, but they are easy to style. I have two black pairs of tights, a too big grey pair of leggings, a few strappy tops (what most girls my age seem to where, though they do little to hide my broader shoulders). I have a cropped vest top which is ok, and 3 tight white/light-grey crop tops,  (1 is long sleeved). I also have two dresses, neither of which look great on me, but they where cheep, and I don’t like returning things. I also feel like while I’m still resolving my style (a difficult process), keeping as big of a catalog of options as possible is ideal.

      I have very little jewellery: a ring, and a friendship bracelet my best friend gave me.

      I wont say my age as I am not sure of this website’s policy regarding that, but I’m young. I’m of a slim build, with little to no body fat (not unhealthily so), and I’m just under 6ft (unfortunately)

      .I hope this is an OK place to put this, I didn’t think it fit into any of the other forums.

    • #140470
      DeeAnn Hopings


      To address your questions, you’ll notice that we don’t have a section dealing with Fashion Beauty & Makeup. My guess, since I’ve never asked anyone, is that probably most trans women started as crossdressers. Assuming that is true, the majority then have been through what you are experiencing now. Since this isn’t something that we address directly, I would suggest our sister site: crossdresserheaven.com as they do have a Fashion Beauty & Makeup area. You will also find some of the same members over on CDH here on TGH.

      Anyway, to get you started, I suggest:

      • Look at women’s magazines to begin to develop some ideas about coordinating outfits. If you feel that buying and having magazines at home may be an issue, perhaps visit the local library.
      • Do some people watching at the local mall. Unfortunately there are likely to be many stones, but often there are a few gems. Personally, I would avoid fads, but that’s just me. Store displays may also be a good source.
      • Regarding outfits put together from various pieces, as a general suggestion for colors, you can either Match or Contrast. Matching can be a bit tricky as often items are essentially the same color, but different materials and textures can make them seem different. Case in point might be a black knit skirt and a black nylon shell or tank. The knit will likely appear flat, but the nylon may have a bit of a shine.
      • With a solid color as top or bottom, the the other piece can be a contrasting color or a colorful pattern.
      • The Match or Contrast thought process also come into play with jewelry. Some clothing colors work better with silver jewelry, some with gold jewelry and some with either.
      • Lastly do some searching with your favorite search engine and look for information in clothing styles, patterns and colors that work better with various body types, color coordination and accessorizing. It’s all out there somewhere.

      Further, I also suggest that you check the Member Directory to see if there are any members new you. It is always a good thing to get connected with the local community. Click on Social in the menu and then Member Directory.

      I also suggest that you complete your Profile page. The information contained there really helps other member to understand your situation, goals, etc.

      Have At It!

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