Earlier this year I received a phone call from a friend. She said that she was putting together a program for International Women’s Day 2022 called I’m Speaking! and asked if I would be willing to speak along with 3 other women. I said Yes very quickly because I knew that anything she organizes will be thoughtful, sensitive, on point and laced with a bit of humor. What I chose to talk about was my journey from my hometown of Toledo, Ohio to my arrival decades later in Cathedral City, California. The title is: From THERE To HERE. It includes my thoughts and learnings on Gender Identity, Coming Out and my experiences with the Women’s Community.


The link below will take you to my secure storage where you can download the video of the event. Note that it may take a bit to download as it about 3.5Gb.


My speech starts at 32:15 and runs for about 13 minutes. I also responded to a couple of questions. Those begin at about 59:54 and 1:08:09 respectively. However, I recommend listening to the entire program as the other speakers are excellent and thought provoking.


In appreciation, we were all presented with Certificates of Congressional Recognition from our Congressman, Dr. Raul Ruiz:



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DeeAnn Hopings

Mechanical Engineer, retired January 2016 and relocated to SoCal. Have a grown daughter and a grown son with my 1st wife, daughter has 2 daughters. Married 2nd wife in 2005 and she knows everything about me. Perhaps 95% of people here in town know me as DeeAnn. In all my political, civic and non-profit involvements DeeAnn is the person of record. I do present as my male persona on occassion when I am running an errand and don’t want to take the time to get dressed and do makeup or want to avoid confusion. I have no plans to change my name legally. When I went for my vaccine shots I presented as Don so there would be any confusion as to who I am. Anyway, those situations are pretty rare. Since I’ve retired, I’ve been a board member of our local trans organization and on the steering committee for our local HRC group. I did both of those for over 2 years, but am now resigned from both. Currently I’m a Volunteer Coordinator for the Greater Palm Springs Pride organization. Also Community Liaison Officer with Great Autos of Yesteryear car club, former Chair of the Cathedral City Public Arts Commission, Vice-Chair for Desert Stonewall Democrats, a Board Member for the LGBTQ Center of the Desert and a Docent at the Palm Springs Air Museum (we are rated #14 in the WORLD! And #1 in California). Hobbies: BIG motorsports fan, been to all sorts of tracks all across the US, primarily a fan of open wheel race cars (Formula 1, Indy cars, supermodifieds, Silver Crown, sprint cars, etc.) but I also follow sports cars, stock cars and drag racing, have driven a few race cars, used to help a friend take care if his pavement modified, have many motorsports related books and many have been autographed by Indy car winners, Indianapolis 500 winners, Formula 1 winners and World Driving Champions, and Formula 1 team principals Was a cyclist good for 55 to 60 miles until a mild stroke in the Fall of 2016, looking to get back on the bike soon, also follow professional cycling Architecture fan, love the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and other architects who did a lot of work here in The Valley under the Mid Century Modern style, visited 2 FLW homes in the San Francisco area in the summer of 2019 that had not been open to the public before, have toured the Robie House, Taliesin West, the now defunct FLW Museum outside of Ann Arbor, MI and FLW structures in Oak Park, IL, San Anselmo, CA, Orinda, CA and the Marin County Offices. Amateur photographer going back to high school with Polaroids and 620 roll film, 35mm film cameras since the 80’s and digital since 2005. Computer hobbyist, built a Hackintosh in 2014 and that served as my desktop computer until early 2021. I rebuilt it with current hardware and it is still my desktop machine.

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Marg Produe
Active Member
Marg Produe(@margprodue)
2 years ago

Thank you DeeAnn for doing this and representing our community. You are a model for all of us. Marg

Michelle Lawson
Active Member
Michelle Lawson(@michellelarsen1)
2 years ago

DeeAnn, looks like the dictionary is in need of a serious update. Why, because I cannot find a word to express just how powerful your words are. Not were, but are…. Your words will ring true for years in the future. Your words are a mentor to many as they discover their true selves. It is an honor and privilege to know you. Hugs, Michelle

Lauren Mugnaia
Active Member
Lauren Mugnaia(@reallylauren)
2 years ago

Wow, DeeAnn! Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment, we’re all so proud of you and what you are doing to benefit our community of trans sisters. Way to go girl!

Lauren M

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