How do you appear online — your image, your name?
Maybe it’s not “glamming it up” and not the “everyday housewife” look, nor is about the looks / pictures / and imagery as such, but more so about the name you use.
My main Social Media is Facebook, and my main image is the “Arms Folded” male picture I have posted here on TGH. You can see there that I am a blokey-bloke, doing usual FB stuff every day. I came out as Bi-Sexual last November with positive response. I always support Equality & Diversity when I can. I told a few close friends about myself and my Trans G/F, and they replied that as long as both she & I are happy, then they are happy for us.
I utilize several other sites; FictionMania is one and although no image there, my name is Niall Brown when leaving a review on a story I like. Another is Flickr where again my Username is Niall G. Brown , and the “Arms Folded” pose but also with a Banner of Agent Peggy Carter above my head. I also added an Album solely for Peggy Carter. Who doesn’t love Peggy and her style and dress sense, as well as being a sassy lady who more than betters her male peer group.
If I could be any woman in the world, past or present, real or fiction, it would have to be Peggy. ”
I post images of myself both as a male & female, either in reality or enhanced digitally. I also discuss with other like-minded people the dual aspects of our lives. I mostly email my Trans G/F (sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but most times we exchange Terms of Endearment with each other,) and finally, I just post stuff about life in general. Not Everyday usage, but pretty often, several times a week.
Number Four in my hit-list is EBay where my image is female ( posted there as “Wavy Hair,” a digitally-enhanced Face App one. I also posted the male before here, as well as 2 Face App “Inbetweenies” if you forgive the pun !!!!! ). My description is as follows;
“Male who likes expressing himself as a female at times, so most likely to buy female clothing UK size 14-16, hope you are not offended by my “hobby”. Also like collecting UK 50 pence coins. I appreciate all feedback + or – See you all soon, NGB, xxx “. I also use Amazon from time to time for similar purchases.
Fifth is Skype, where my Username is Niall Brown and can be accessed via my email address or my Skype Number. Usually, I just use it to chat in real-time to my G/F both in Video & Calls only, depending if she is expressing as herself or as “Her Brother” as I refer to her Male Aspect.
And yes, we have met a few times in reality, before you ask. We went to Skype to chat and talk, as Flickr does not really work in real-time as it were. I also chat occasionally to other Tgirls there that I know from Flickr & tvChix, but in the main it is for my G/F and me. She is my woman, I am her man, and we view each other as such, and love each other as Man & Woman.
My final site I mostly visit is where again I post pictures (limited to 20) of myself as both Male & Female. I opened this account a few years ago, as beforehand had separate Female & Male accounts there, with different names, accessed by different devices, often at the same time, and the stress of actually being two people at the same time prompted me to close and discontinue as it literally was “splitting me in two”.
The new account there was to consolidate my Female & Male Personae, both there and my other Female sites, to be Honest & Truthful in the present and future, and to be happy as I was — a bit Male, a bit Female, and no more lying to myself or others.
In fact I first met my G/F there when I opened the account, as she lived locally, but it was just kinda like a get-to-know you sort of thing at the time. I then went dormant for a while as reality intervened, as I was working long hours. I was so tired from filming, my usage of Social Media really dropped to nearly zero.
I re-activated the site late last year, and we got together again, there first, and then in real life. We connected on Flickr, but with no real-time chat as such, and because we wanted “face-to-face,” we migrated to Skype.
So Ladies, this is the first site in a very long time that I used a female name on, that I do not share with my G/F and that I wish to express myself as mostly female. I do not feel that I am betraying her; in fact I feel that it actually could bring us closer. In reality, every person on this planet has some male traits and some female traits, as it took one of each to create an embryo in the first place, so we inherit some of our parent’s genes, both male and female traits and behaviors.Each person’s life is a balance of finding the correct ratio on the scales of Female through Male and also determining our sexuality along a similar scale. On here, I can be mostly female and elsewhere mostly male and other places Just Us (as a couple with each other.)
Sometimes, just being able to use answers such as sometimes female, sometimes male, sometimes both or neither, etc. would be a blessing. Do you sometimes tick the “Miss” or “Mrs.” box and give your male name — I do.
Love & Best Wishes to All,
Geraldine “Gerri” O’Neill,

Latest posts by Gerri Aka Niall (see all)
- How We Present Ourselves On-Line - August 8, 2019
I tend to the same thing using female names and pictures and thinking of myself as one I created this avatar on Imvu with blonde hair, black pcv dresss and boots and a whip.I have so much with some of them being my slaves and calling me Mistress In real life I don;t look that good I am bald overweight. I live in a nursing home.I used to go out by clothes from Goodwill and store that had a gold skirt and blouse with heels to match. I already had the wig I picked Cher as a name because she… Read more »
Hello Cher,
Thank you for responding, and my heart goes out to you living in an Nursing Home, and unable to express yourself.
I too am a male am balding / grey-ish, but a nice wig helps.
I am not really into the BDSM thing, but whatever I will not judge.
My own image as it were is “everyday" and the same to my gf.
We are just “us" in reality not fantasy
Best Wishes though,
Gerri, x