I Want to Live Like That

I want to live like that

The last few months have been a difficult time for me. People I care for turned away from me, and those I thought were friends cast themselves against me and sought to harm others I care for.

When we are beset by hurtful words and harmful actions it is easy to respond in kind. You see the enemy charging towards you and draw your sword, ready your shield. Your blood starts pumping as you reach deep into your self-righteous anger to unfurl a battle cry.

Yet with any battle the outcome is certain – both combatants will be wounded, the body and heart forever scarred through the altercation. And when the fighting is over and the righteous anger has cooled even the victor will be haunted by ghosts of their aggression.

Indeed battle – especially with those you once cared for – can only end in defeat.

This morning I was listening to a song by Sidewalk Prophets called ‘Live Like That’. In the chorus they sing these words as they refer to a radiant and perfect creator:

I want to live like that
And give it all I have
So that everything I say and do points to you

Whether or not you believe in a god, or a Christian God this is a powerful exhortation to our better nature. That our thoughts, and words, and actions point to something more glorious, offer a glimpse of something more perfect.

I want to live like that.

At times in our community we come across others we disagree with – those who despite walking the transgender path are different from us. It can be appealing to cast them as an enemy to be defeated. Even as I bring my former friends in the transgender community to heart who wish us harm, it is tempting to feel ill will towards them.

I encourage you, as I encourage myself, to find love and compassion. The transgender journey is hard. One of the hardest I know. They bear hurts, and challenges, and scars too. Even amidst hurtful words and hurtful actions, they are still our family.

I pray their path is blessed.

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I’m passionate about creating a safe space for everyone in the transgender community to find laughter and friendship on their journey. I completed my physical transition in 2011 and through it I lost everything, and gained everything. I am blessed that I was forced to gaze inward and embark on the journey to discover and live my authentic self. My deepest wish is that all who wander here may find peace, happiness and freedom.
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Active Member
4 years ago

Beautifully said Dear, I love the phrase Gandhi said before his battle hungry comrades at a time when walking on the sidewalk with others was illegal:
We nee not use violence and retaliate, but we will Not comply and lay down a victim…
n warm huggles of support dear

Gianna Gbird
Gianna Gbird(@gianna)
4 years ago

One day if the wild world of ares were accepting… I’d have implants… 44J CUP. If that even possible.

Gianna Gbird
Gianna Gbird(@gianna)
4 years ago

I’m here to embrace you all. I’m just A CD wanting to know and understand you wonderful people… Hope no one minds!

Erin Rogers
Erin Rogers(@erinelf)
4 years ago

Thank you, just the inspiration I needed

4 years ago

Vanessa , Hi , and thank you for your sweet words of encouragement . We are all pretty and wonder people to get to know . I feel sorry for those blinded by hate that they can’t see the beauty around them . I bet they only have black and white tv’s don’t you ? Bless you Vanessa , and thank you for this and CDH as a home of peace and love . Your friend , Leslie

𝓜𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝓒𝓁ℴℯ́ 💋💋
Active Member
4 years ago

Sometimes I wish I could just grab them all up like a mom who has heard enough of the squabbling and love them into a peaceful state. Thank you for providing a safe haven for us all who find CDH and TGH a place to share our lives and find support among peers.

Catherine Anne Vos
Catherine Anne Vos
4 years ago

What lovely words Vanessa. I must add that God also teaches us to forgive and forget. That means forget and move on with your life looking into the future with the love of God on your side. So many times we get stumped on and the hurt makes us hardened to the extend that we don’t look the other way. Like the saying goes. Two wrongs don’t make a right. To be the best you can be is to let go off those things and those who hurt you in the past. They have no remorse or feelings about what… Read more »

Michelle Lawson
Active Member
Michelle Lawson(@michellelarsen1)
4 years ago

Vanessa, it has been a very long time since I have heard more truer words spoken.What you speak of love and compassion, are themselves swords and shields. But not for harm, but for good. The sword of love and compassion will only be used to cut down the hate and derision that seems to be rampant these days.The shield of love and compassion will be used to shield the more vulnerable from that same hate and derision. We pick up those tools of love and compassion each and every day; in the solemn hope that one day, we can put… Read more »

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