Christine Selfies 8/18/2023

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by chrisgee

Selfies with basic makeup, a few with auburn wig, and a few with black wig.


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Christine "Christi" Suraya Banduri Bryant

Hi everyone. I hope I am welcome here, as I am just starting my journey. I am AMAB and identify as femme. I still present as male and am experimenting with my transition look/style. I have decided upon my reborn name of Christine, although you can call me Chris. I hope to learn more about our community and, in turn, learn more about me. My story goes back to age 4 or 5. I didn't have a single male friend, but my two besties were girls. We loved playing house, dressing dolls, pretend baking, dressing up, and just acting silly together. I always felt like one of them, and men in my family hated it. They were always trying to steer me in a more boyish direction. Things didn't change much at school. I still played more with the girls. I thought all the boys were mean, stupid, and bullies. As I hit puberty and had my first girlfriends in my teens, I now realize every single girl I dated was bisexual. One was even a professed lesbian before we started dating. I had a few boyfriends as well. I decided in my teens that I must be bisexual, which I used in my ignorance to explain my femininity and attraction to both genders. I went many years through adulthood struggling with both my sexual orientation and identity. I fought hard to keep a lid on all things feminine, to little avail. I didn't face the truth until the last year or so, as I have gone through therapy to work on so many things. In January, 2023, I had a dream one night where I was a young man coming out to my family and friends as a transgender woman. In the dream, my dad accepted me and told me he suspected all along. I woke up from that dream bawling my eyes out, and did so for a couple hours. That was a hard night to explain to my wife, who has been amazingly supportive to this day. So here I am, embarking on this journey. God help me!

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