Let me take a selfie.

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by skyler1090

I’ve shared this photo elsewhere but I just love it. I mean granted, I had to seriously fake that smile lol. I was an emotional wreck. Anyway, I’m Skyler. Hope to get some words of advice and wisdom from some of you who have gone through this journey.


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Skyler Anne

Scared, nervous and confused I guess sums it up. I’m Skyler. I’m 28 and from Chicago. I still live my life as a male. However, I have felt a strong sense of being “different” since I was roughly 5. Maybe sooner, but that’s the first I remember feeling the way I do. I’ve spent the last 28 years covering myself up. I’m finally to the point of “I can’t do this any longer.” I realized recently where my lifetime of depression and other psychological problems have stemmed from. I enrolled myself in therapy to help better cope with my feelings and emotions and to help better describe these feelings to family and friends. Specially my fiancé. She has been incredibly supportive, however used a line that stuck in me like a dagger. “I’m fine with you wearing what your comfortable in, just so long as you don’t want a sex change or something.” Hurt? Yes. But I understand her view. She wants to marry her husband. Not have a wife. She doesn’t understand exactly the thoughts and emotions I deal with on a daily basis but how could she? Anyway, I digress. I’ve been a member on crossdress heaven for a few months and have made some connections there, I just feel like most of the people on there see what they’re doing as a hobby. I wanted to come here to get more meaningful conversations from other girls who have gone through this and can help me find my path through this journey. I am an open book and am open to chatting any time. I’ll be around here as often as possible.

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Amber Williams
Amber Williams(@ambergrl29)
6 years ago

I agree with Danielle. You look amazing either way. Some of us would love to have have that problem.Blond or Brunette. Right ladies. lol

Danielle Fox
Danielle Fox(@cd-danielle)
6 years ago

Hey Skyler,
Difficult choice between blonde or brunette. Blonde you look like out to have fun, anything goes, Thelma and Louise type of personality. Brunette you look sultry like you’re ready to go out on the town and show everyone who’s got it.

Seriously dear you look fabulous either way. Muah 💋
Danielle 💋👠

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