Ready to go out

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by nicoledenise

Wife taking photos of me before we leave.


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Nicole Ramsey

I’ve been discovering myself since a teenager (around 32 years ago). About 25 years ago I disclosed my masculinity questioning to my wife and we both embraced it for a bit. We both dressed (her doing my makeup and dress) and went out a few times. But, I think the “shame” and lack of dysphoria knowledge prevented me moving forward. Throughout my marriage sex has been very sparse and my wife explained that she thought there was someone else or that the problem was her. I finally came out to her a few months ago. I have been more passionate with her than ever and we are like a couple of newlyweds again. She is very sweet and encouraging about it…and even went shopping for “Nicole’s” new wardrobe and makeup. She is definitely my rock through this while I move through the “coming out” phase of my transition. I’m just worried that the reality is going to strike her and changer her outlook about it. For now, I am focused to becoming the "best" version of myself that I was not able to explore in my past. My wife encourages me to explore my truth and I thank God everyday for placing her in my life. I don't think I would be here today if not for her. She even allowed Nicole to celebrate our recent wedding anniversary for the whole weekend in it's entirety. I've come a long way but still have a long way to go before I'm comfortable and confident to further my coming out stage though.

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    jennifer R
    Active Member
    jennifer R(@jennifer197926)
    1 year ago

    nice outfit

    1 year ago

    very cute. I like the outfit.

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