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Sarafina (sara)

(NEWS FLASH: After all that pathetic hysteria, of the more than 530,000 NCAA collegiate athletes, less than 10 actually identify as transgendered) I have known I was a girl in the wrong body since I was five years old and trying on my big sisters things, with her permission. Except for my physical appearance, everything about me is and has always been obviously female. Unfortunately, I have always put myself in work and social situations where it was in my best interests to cosplay as a guy. The day id coming when I will put an end that pretense once and for all, on my own terms, at the right time. I continue to made real progress with my emotional transition. My thoughts and hopes and dreams, my feelings and emotions, my view of life and love and the universe have always been feminine, and I am expressing them more openly than I ever thought possible. The only question is how far i can go, given the limitations of age, health, and financial resources. Part of me says just do it, burn the bridges, let the chips fall where they may and deal with the fallout. But an older, wiser part of me says have empathy for those who love me, find some compromise I can live with and minimize further collateral damage to good people who are struggling with what I have already laid on them. My transition is, by far, the most important personal decision I will ever make. Time will tell the rest of the story. More than ever, I am proud and I am happy and call me sarandrogenous, I really like being here. I love and respect each and every one of you for who and what you are. Be strong, my sisters. your friend always, sara

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