Legal services that specialize in or are friendly to the transgender community.
Nevada Legal Services offers free legal resources for low income families, women, minorities, disabled, and others in need throughout the state. We offer a variety of legal help so that Nevadans are not denied the right to receive fair justice. Fill out the online intake form below to see if you qualify for our free legal services. Information is confidential. Now, lets get you the help you need. Open Listing
Our online resources and community workshops are for all New Zealanders. However, we aim to give free one-on-one legal help to people who don’t have much money – for example, if you’re on a benefit or have a low income. We also aim to help vulnerable people – for example, if you’re struggling with housing or living with violence. Community Law helps with all kinds of legal problems, from employment, family and housing issues to criminal matters, human rights and Māori land. In general, we don’t help with issues about your property or business. Open Listing
Oregon adoption lawyer Kathleen O’Brien is an established Portland resource for individuals, couples and families throughout Oregon who seek adoption advice and planning support for their Oregon adoption needs. Kathleen O’Brien specializes in comprehensive adoption solutions, including: step-parent adoptions, adult adoptions, private adoption, open adoption and post-adoption communication, re-adoption of foreign (international) adoptions, and finalization of DHS (state) adoptions in Oregon and Washington. Friendly, professional, and helpful, she has been licensed in Oregon since 1983 and Washington since 2002. If you need an experienced, highly recommended lawyer for adoption services, do not hesitate to contact Kathleen O’Brien. Open Listing
Oberdorfer Law Firm has been defending people in trouble with the law for over a decade, in thousands of cases, across the state of Oregon. We’re well-respected and known for our hard work, skill, and care for our clients in the courtroom. First and foremost, we are trial lawyers. We get great results for our clients though experience, expertise, preparation and perhaps most importantly, getting to know our clients. Each person is different, and we believe that by understanding the unique problems and needs of our clients we gain a special edge in the courtroom. Oberdorfer Law Firm has grown Open Listing
Phone: (503)284-6778
Many of our clients and their families seek us when they’re facing the enormity of end-of-life decision-making. Many others ask for our assistance carrying the burden of a loved one experiencing the frailties of aging or the complications of long-term disability. However, we routinely assist clients of all ages and conditions in planning for the future and protecting their assets and their loved ones. We all age, and none of us knows if or when we might experience a disability. The tools and techniques offered by Oregon Elder Law can benefit individuals and families from all walks of life. We Open Listing
Not only do our attorneys facilitate permanent and temporary employment and investor visas, we also partner with country-specific counsel globally through the Alliance of Business Immigration Attorneys (ABIL) for foreign employee transfers. Our clients include Fortune 500 high tech and biotech companies whom we have helped navigate the immigration challenges involved in start-ups, acquisitions, reorganizations, and spin-offs. In addition, we represent many companies who are new to the immigration process and need someone to help them retain or attract critical talent. Our team of attorneys has also helped individuals and their families in all areas of non-employment based immigration Open Listing
Phone: (503)226-6361
At Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC, “liberty and justice for all” is more than just a phrase – it is our mandate. Our team of lawyers is driven to pursue justice for the injured, ensuring that the responsible parties are held accountable. With a high success rate both in and out of the courtroom, you can trust our Portland personal injury attorneys to be the legal advocates you need so your voice can be heard. We are a boutique Portland personal injury law firm that excels in representing the wrongfully injured in Oregon and Washington. Our mission is to achieve Open Listing
Our Commitment to You •When providing you with legal advice, Press for Change and it’s associated employees and voluntary advice workers will always do their best to ensure that the information and advice we provide is as accurate as possible. •When we have provided advice we also suggest that you should always consider whether you might need to take further advice from your local Citizens Advice Bureau or a Solicitor. •Press for Change employees and volunteers will always advise you if we think you need to see a solicitor or your local Citizens Advice Bureau, as a matter of urgency. Open Listing
Email: [email protected]
QLaw Arkansas is an association of LGBT+ legal professionals and their friends. We are a voice for some of the most vulnerable people in our state and work to advance equitable policies and opportunities in the legal profession, in the courts, and under the law. QLaw has three primary purposes: – To provide opportunities for members of the LGBT+ legal community to meet in a supportive, professional atmosphere in order to exchange ideas and information freely; – To further the professional development of LGBT+ legal professionals and students; and – To educate the public, the legal profession, and the courts Open Listing
Phone: (971) 770-1714
You’ve probably noticed. We practice business and intellectual property law differently than most law firms. We provide personalized, relationship-oriented legal services to small businesses, nonprofits, artists, and entertainers on the west coast. We continually and intentionally strive to be as attainable, collaborative, inclusive, and connected as possible. You deserve to have an attorney wherever you are at on your business journey. And, you should be respected for who you are. It’s not revolutionary. It’s how it should be. As a certified Benefit Company, we believe in and practice the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit. Open Listing