The “resistance” to our expansion is what we do in creating our own suffering because resistance causes friction.
There is a quote; “In life there are problems and challenges, but suffering is a choice.”
The first time I heard this, I winced and pulled back ready to defend the underdog who seemingly has no other choice but to endure their suffering.
Have you heard of Victor Frankl? He was an Austrian psychologist as well as a Holocaust survivor. Or how about Nelson Mandela who served 27 years in an African prison before the conditions were right for his emergence into his vision.
If either of them had resisted the conditions they were in, their suffering might well have been greatly exacerbated. Instead, they both did their best to remain focused on their vision and did what they could, as they could, to move toward it. Mohandas Gandhi was another hero who only expressed the experience of suffering from his own thoughts as he lay in self-imposed starvation for the emergence of his vision.
The challenges were huge at times, but the real suffering only occurs in the mind. Frankl quoted “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
This is where our choice of roles or archetypes comes into play on this big stage we call earth. Here’s a famous statement.
“All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts” …William Shakespeare.
To resist or suppress the role that you were born to play and consciously or unconsciously had chosen as a small child can create a lot of suffering.
Many people have accepted the role of victim as their default role. You will hear them complaining consistently about anything they can—the weather, their health, the neighbor next door, that wing-nut on television, the service at such n such. Victims love to blame anything and anyone for the drama they experience in their lives, and they refuse to accept responsibility for making the choices that created their outcomes.
Anytime we choose to believe we are helpless to change our attitude, we are firmly seated in the role of victim, resisting our greatness, our purpose. Not Frankl, not Gandhi, and not Mandela suffered as victims throughout their extreme challenges; their attitudes remained focused.
Whatever you have chosen as the vehicle for serving your purpose, whatever role you have chosen, no matter what is happening in your life, do your best to remain focused on the vision and know that as long as you are moving toward it, it is moving toward you. And one day, you and your vision, the soul’s purpose, will meet in the middle.
There are many roles we can choose from; hero, victim, rescuer, pioneer, persecutor, creator, servant, and similar. I think you get the idea; Google it and choose the next role you’d like to try on, the one that serves your expansion and purpose as well as the greater good. By embracing the teacher within me and the gender fluid role of which I live, and after decades of resistance and suffering, I have gained far more than I can reasonably articulate in these articles, but I will always do my best to serve.
There truly are as many characters in life’s play as there are people on the planet. As children we are unwittingly plugged into certain roles based on cultural, religious, and family beliefs. Ideas taught to us (programmed into our mind through repetition) by the well-meaning caregivers of our young lives.
As parents, we all do our best to teach our children well, but we cannot give what we do not have to give. If we don’t know the skills we are missing, how can we teach what is needed to our children? And the same is true for a few generations back in our families. The sins of the fathers (and others) are visited on by the fourth and fifth generations. The DNA and the beliefs we currently have came from those who have come before us and are passed down through the generations. These beliefs are only updated as we choose to “seek to understand” something new or different. To become curious as little children and learn.
This week, knowing that resistance creates suffering, you can begin to practice the life-skill of embracing what may appear broken in you and take one more step on your path to creating your amazing life; this will improve your own life and the lives within the generations to follow you.
Thank you for reading dear souls, and thank you for being exactly who you are! This is world change we are up to; keep on in kindness.
N huggles
More Articles by Charee
- Happy Holidays?
- Are you willing to feeel goood?
- Getting back to normal?
- Something to Celebrate
- True freeedom exists!

Latest posts by Charee (see all)
- Happy Holidays? - December 20, 2021
- Are you willing to feeel goood? - August 15, 2021
- Getting back to normal? - July 7, 2021
I absolutely love the way you have so much pride and love and care for trans people and all people in general. You’re so inspirational
Awe, Thaaank you Alexus; I remember a very long time ago a sweet friend was leaving after our visit and I said I love you ya know, and she stopped, turned around and said, “Oh Char, you love everybody!" we both laughed. If I can support others in seeing how truly beautiful we all are, as I learn myself hehe, then my life will have served well 🙂
Namaste’ dear soul
n huggles always
Sage advice Charee. So be the change on our own lives expecting fully to meet our own goals and helping others along the way.
Thaaaank you Dear, I think of it like our Emergence, hehe allowing what’s naturally in us to be seen with calm confidence, and always, this gives one more person who sees us, the permission to step out as well into a bit more freeedom and light 🙂
One day, we will all know what it feels like to walk across town feeling unguarded and safe; that’s my vision hehehe
Namaste’ “Cob" hehe
n always big huggles for you beautiful girl